In this exercise we develop a simple grammar aiming at
“book” style documents.
Read the RELAX NG
Tutorial. You may want to import the examples into your
OxygenXML IDE. Based on this knowledge you
ar being asked to model a schema describing simple <book> documents.
Use Oxygen XML
Editor to create a RelaxNG book.rng
schema suiting the subsequent document sample:
<book lang="en">
<title>My first book</title>
<paragraph>Some text.</paragraph>
<paragraph>More text.</paragraph>
<title>Go on ...</title>
<paragraph lang="de">Hier kommt noch etwas.</paragraph>
<title>Complex examples</title>
<paragraph lang="es"/>
<paragraph>Two and more</paragraph>
The following rules shall be obeyed:
Valid documents must start with <book> .
A <book> element contains a
<title> followed by at least one
<chapter> .
Each <chapter> has (exactly
one) a <title> which is being
followed by at least one <paragraph>
or <itemizedlist> .
The elements <title> and <paragraph> consist of ordinary
Both <book> and <para> elements may have an optional
lang attribute like en ,
fi , es , it and so on.
Use the data type NMTOKEN .
<itemizedlist> elements
consist of at least one <listitem>
<listitem> elements consist of
least one <paragraph> or <itemizedlist> .
You may want to start from the following file
mybook.rng :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ref name=""/>
<define name="">
<element name="book">