Lecture related resources

Figure 2. Recommended reading resources I Slide presentation

Figure 3. Recommended reading resources II Slide presentation

Figure 4. Your biggest enemies Slide presentation

Figure 5. German humour Slide presentation

Aus Der Postillion :

Mann, der am Handy

nur mal eben die Uhrzeit nachschauen wollte,

chattet acht Minuten auf WhatsApp,

schaut drei YouTube-Videos

und liest einen Artikel über Peru,

weiß aber am Ende immer noch nicht, wie spät es ist

Figure 6. 4 most imperative study objectives Slide presentation

Figure 7. Online tutorials Slide presentation

Figure 8. Unix and the terminal Slide presentation

Figure 9. Online programming, automated feedback Slide presentation

No registration required.

  • Hunt for Challenges within page.

  • Registration required.


Figure 10. Online programming I Slide presentation

Problem list.


Programming tasks (including solutions for multiple languages).


Daily Programmer.

Figure 11. Online programming II Slide presentation
Project Euler

Registration required for keeping track of your exercises' status. The following exercises in particular are considered to be useful with respect to this lecture:

1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11.

Java Programming Tutorial

Basic and more difficult exercises

Java Programming Exercises

Start from the easier exercises.

Figure 12. Choosing the SD1 bwLehrpool VM Slide presentation
Choosing the SD1 bwLehrpool VM

Figure 13. Intellij IDEA IDE Slide presentation
Intellij IDEA IDE

Figure 14. Live lecture additions Slide presentation
Live lecture additions

Figure 15. Virtualbox / VMware player based virtual Linux image Slide presentation
  • Contains all MI pool workstation Linux software.

  • Available for free VirtualBox desktop as compressed image.

  • The beast is quite big (~20 GB on disk, ~ 5GB compressed download provided as rar chunks)!


    You may favour a wired connection over WIFI !

  • Alternative: Native or dual boot Ubuntu Desktop installation.

Figure 16. Virtualbox™ settings Slide presentation