Method calls, the details

Figure 342. Method calling Slide presentation
public class Circle {
  static final double
    PI = 3.141592653589793;
  double r;
  /** Change a circle's area
   *  @param area The desired new area
   *  @return The circle's new radius */
  double setArea(final double area ) {
    double val  = area  / PI ;
    return  r  = Math.sqrt(val);

Passing arguments.

Defining method local variables.

Accessing class variable.

returning values.

Accessing instance variable.

Figure 343. Three variable scopes Slide presentation
public class Circle {

  static final double
    PI  = 3.141592653589793;

  double r  ;

  double setArea(final double area ) {
    double val  ...

Class scope.

Instance scope

Method scope

Figure 344. Scope lifetimes Slide presentation
Class scope (static) Application process
Instance scope Object lifetime: new (...) until being garbage collected.
Method scope Method invocation until return.

Figure 345. Two runtime memory categories Slide presentation
Heap memory
  • Allocation of class or array instances:

    new String()
    new float[200]
  • De-allocation subject to garbage collection.

Execution stack
  • One instance per process thread.

  • Hosting variables (values or references)

Figure 346. Stack: Four operations Slide presentation
Method Description Precondition Access type

Add object on top




Read + remove topmost object

Stack not empty



Read topmost object

Stack not empty

Read only


true if and only if stack is empty


Read only

The JDK implements a peek() method having exactly the «original» stack top() method's semantic.

Figure 347. Example: Storing integer values Slide presentation

Figure 348. Method calling Slide presentation

Figure 349. Call stack trace Slide presentation

Figure 350. IDE debugger Slide presentation
IDE debugger

Three call stack frames corresponding to main() calling circleArea(2) calling square(2).

Local variables corresponding to selected stack frame.


In the above example you may select stack frame circleArea showing its local variables while leaving your debugger resting at line 3.