Primitive types

Figure 62. Java types Slide presentation

Figure 63. Java signed integer primitive types Slide presentation
Name Bytes Type Range Literal samples
byte 1 Signed integer [ - 2 7 , 2 7 - 1 ] -
short 2 Signed integer [ - 2 15 , 2 15 - 1 ] -
int 4 Signed integer [ - 2 31 , 2 31 - 1 ] 0, 1, +1, -42, 0b1101, 017, 0xC
long 8 Signed integer [ - 2 63 , 2 63 - 1 ] 0L, 1L, +1L, -42L, 0b1101L, 017L, 0xCL

Figure 64. int literals explained Slide presentation
Literal Discriminator Type Value

base 10

Decimal 2 × 10 1 + 9 × 10 0
0b11101 0b, base 2 Binary

1 × 2 4 + 1 × 2 3 + 1 × 2 2

+ 0 × 2 1 + 1 × 2 0

0x1D 0x, base 16 Hexadecimal 1 × 16 1 + 13 × 16 0
035 0, base 8 Octal 3 × 8 1 + 5 × 8 0

Figure 65. Java unsigned integer, floating point and boolean primitive types Slide presentation
Name Bytes Type Range Literal samples
char 2 Unsigned integer [ 0 , 2 16 - 1 ] 'A', '*', '-', 'Ç', '⇶' ...
float 4 Floating point ± 1.18 × 10 - 38 to ± 3.4 × 10 38 3.14f, 0.022f, -3.4E-24f
double 8 Floating point ± 2.23 × 10 - 308 to ± 1.8 × 10 308 3.14, 0.022, -3.4E-24, 3.14d,...
boolean ? Logical value not applicable true, false

exercise No. 6

Literal samples


Create code printing an example for each type of literal in Java.


You may follow Java Literals.


System.out.println("Java is awesome!"); // String
System.out.println(123);                // int
System.out.println(2342475545345345L);  // long
System.out.println(3.1415926F);         // float
System.out.println(3.1415926);          // double
System.out.println(true);               // boolean
System.out.println('A');                // char

exercise No. 7

Literals of type int


int literals (and likewise long) can be expressed in four different representations. We provide related samples:

Representation Base Sample Digits
Binary 2 0B11011 {0, 1}
Octal 8 037 {0, 1, ..., 7}
Decimal 10 123 {0, 1, ..., 9}
Hexadecimal 16 0X2F {0, 1,...,9, A, B, C, D, E, F}

Calculate the above sample values in decimal beforehand. Then write and execute code printing the above values.


Manual calculation:

0B11011 = 16 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 27
037 = 3 * 8 + 7 = 31
123 = 123
0X2F = 2 * 16 + F = 2 * 16 + 15 = 47

Code execution:

Code Result
System.out.println(0B11011);  // Binary
System.out.println(037);      // Octal
System.out.println(123);      // Decimal
System.out.println(0X2F);     // Hexadecimal

exercise No. 8

Integer overflow


Execute the following code:


Whats wrong here? How can we achieve the desired output?


  • From now on we will usually omit related boilerplate code. The above line actually refers to the execution of:

    package ...;
    public class X {
      public static void main(String[] args) {


The code snippet fails with an »Integer number too large« error.

In Java 3123424234 is a literal of type int ranging from - 2 31 to 2 31 - 1 or -2147483648 to 2147483647, inclusive. A value of 3123424234 exceeds the upper bound thus requiring a literal of type long being indicated by an »l« or »L« suffix:


exercise No. 9

Strange sum result


Execute the following code:

System.out.println(2147483647 + 2147483647);

Explain the result.


Consider the 2147483647 literal's data type and dig into its byte level representation.


2147483647 or 2 31 - 1 is the largest possible int value being allowed in four byte (=32 bit) two complement representation. It is thus perfectly clear that adding this value to itself will result in an arithmetic failure.

Execution yields a surprising value of -2. This is due to an overflow error: Java uses the aforementioned four byte two-complement representation for int values. At binary level our sum thus reads:

+ 01111111_11111111_11111111_11111111

This is the four-byte 2-complement representation of -2.

It actually is a sign bit interference: Lets pretend we were having just a 31 bit unsigned representation rather than 32 bit two complement. The very same sum would then simply yield an overflow:

+ 1111111_11111111_11111111_11111111

In 31 bit representation the leftmost »red« bit would be discarded leaving us with an incorrect value of 2147483646 or 2 31 - 2 as well.

But in 32 bit 2-complement representation the leftmost bit represents the sign. It gets overwritten by the arithmetic overflow yielding an even negative result.

exercise No. 10

Correcting the error


How do we correct the erroneous outcome in Strange sum result ?


Consider related Java literals.


We may simply replace int by long literals:

Code Execution result
System.out.println(2147483647L + 2147483647L);

In Figure 113, “Binary operator type examples ” we'll learn that the sum of two long values will be a value of type long as well.

Literals of type long range from - 2 63 to 2 63 - 1 or -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807, inclusive. The resulting sum of 4294967294 or 2 32 - 2 can be easily accommodated in a value of type long.