Network sniffing
Sniffing JDBC™ network traffic is one possibility for intruders to compromise database applications. This requires physical access to either of:
Server host
Client host
intermediate hub, switch or router.
We demonstrate a possible attack by analyzing the network traffic between our application shown in Figure 867, “JDBC™ backed data insert ” and the Mysql database server. Prior to starting the application we set up Wireshark for filtered capturing:
[... 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1.%...X*e?I1ZQ...................e,F[yoA5$T[N.mysql_native_password. A...........!.......................hdmuser ❶......U.>S.%..~h...!.xhdm............j..../* ... INSERT INTO Person VALUES('Jim', '') ❷6... .&.#23000Duplicate entry '' for key 'email' ❸
Resulting error message sent back to the client. |
What about the missing password?
Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers:
When you connect to a MySQL server, you should use a password.
The password is not transmitted in clear text over the connection.
So regarding our (current) Mysql implementation the impact of this attack type is somewhat limited but still severe: All data being transmitted between client and server may be disclosed. This typically comprises sensible data as well. Possible solutions:
Data exchange client to server nearly fully disclosed.
Mysql mitigates the attack type's severity
Possible solutions:
Encrypted tunnel between client and server: like e.g. ssh port forwarding or VPN.
Irrelevant e.g. within DMZ.