Chapter |
Exercise |
No. |
Title |
Status of completion |
Getting started |
1 |
Extending class HelloWorld |
2 |
Working with variables |
3 |
A conditional |
4 |
A loop |
Language Fundamentals |
5 |
Hotel key cards |
6 |
Literal samples |
7 |
Literals of type int |
8 |
Integer overflow |
9 |
Strange sum result |
10 |
Correcting the error |
11 |
Legal variable names |
12 |
Benefits of final |
13 |
«C» vs. Java. |
14 |
Assignment and type safety |
15 |
Inventing tinyint . |
16 |
An int 's
minimum and maximum value |
17 |
Pretty may not be pretty |
18 |
Strange output |
19 |
Poor mans ASCII table |
20 |
Integer value hexadecimal representation |
21 |
Binary literals |
22 |
Testing the limits (Difficult) |
23 |
Why using braces in System.out.println(...) ? |
24 |
Composing strings of literals and variables |
25 |
Escaping double quotes |
26 |
Supplementary string exercises |
27 |
int and char |
28 |
float vs. double |
29 |
to char
narrowing problems |
30 |
Get a byte from 139 |
31 |
Ariane, I miss you! |
32 |
Reducing long
to int
(difficult) |
33 |
Calculating a circle's area |
34 |
Dividing values |
35 |
Strange things with operator ++ |
36 |
Adding values |
37 |
Representational float and double miracles |
38 |
Expressions involving infinity |
39 |
int to short assignment |
40 |
int to short assignment using final |
41 |
Calculating a circle's area avoiding accidental
redefinition |
42 |
Turning weeks into seconds |
43 |
Turning seconds into weeks |
44 |
Using predefined Java™ standard library
constants |
45 |
Converting temperature values |
46 |
Time unit conversion |
47 |
Interest calculation |
48 |
Summing short and char |
49 |
Operator & vs. && |
50 |
Strange addition |
51 |
Understanding += |
52 |
Three ways expressing the same |
53 |
Guessing results |
54 |
Cleaning up the mess |
Statements |
55 |
Providing better display |
56 |
Comparing for equality |
57 |
Replacing else if (...){...} by
nested if ... else statements |
58 |
Post modifying an exam's marking |
59 |
At the bar |
60 |
Roman numerals |
61 |
Leap years |
62 |
Why “break”? |
63 |
Extending to month days |
64 |
Converting day's names to numbers. |
65 |
Day categories. |
66 |
Roman numerals, using switch |
67 |
Generating square numbers |
68 |
Calculating factorial |
69 |
Even or odd? |
70 |
Square root approximation |
71 |
Printing numbers |
72 |
Printing just even numbers |
73 |
Merry Xmas |
74 |
More fun with Xmas trees |
75 |
A basic square number table |
76 |
Tidy up the mess! |
77 |
HTML-ify me |
78 |
Auxiliary Example, part 1: A multiplication table |
79 |
Auxiliary Example, part 2: Avoiding redundant entries |
80 |
Creating a “real” square table |
81 |
Creating a sophisticated HTML version of your square
table |
82 |
Display all summands |
83 |
Playing lottery |
84 |
Guessing numbers |
85 |
Smallest multiple |
86 |
Smallest multiple, purely algebraic solution |
87 |
Pythagorean triples |
88 |
Avoiding duplicates and gaining performance |
Objects and Classes |
89 |
Compile time error |
90 |
An Address class |
91 |
Understanding access control |
92 |
Explaining times |
93 |
Implementing getter methods |
94 |
Method signature variants |
95 |
Will a match be found? |
96 |
Modeling geometry objects: Rectangles |
97 |
Modeling circles |
98 |
Adding translations and SVG
export. |
99 |
Extending the employee example. |
100 |
Refining access to an employee's attributes |
101 |
File system representation |
102 |
Your personal String class |
103 |
Constructors variable names and “this”. |
104 |
Class vs. instance |
105 |
Distinguishing leap- and non-leap years |
106 |
A method for printing square numbers using for , while and do ... while |
107 |
Nicely formatting sine values. |
108 |
Extending our interest calculator |
109 |
Integer value considerations. |
110 |
Programmer's favourite expression |
111 |
Lotteries revisited |
112 |
Finding the greatest common divisor of two integer
values |
113 |
Dealing with IBAN numbers |
114 |
Cancelling fractions |
115 |
Dealing with local Maven dependencies |
116 |
DNS inflicted groupId / package names
clashes |
117 |
Details on execution |
118 |
Maximum and absolute value |
119 |
Factorial, the direct way |
120 |
Factorial, the recursive way |
121 |
Binomials, the recursive way |
122 |
The exponential
123 |
. |
124 |
Summing up in a different order. |
125 |
Summing up integers to a given limit |
126 |
Summing up, the better way |
127 |
Turning seconds into weeks, part 2 |
128 |
Example: A class representing fractions |
129 |
Compass directions |
130 |
Compass direction neighbours |
131 |
git local, DIY |
132 |
git distributed, DIY |
Core Classes |
133 |
Choosing a “good”
hashCode() method |
134 |
String and good hashCode()
implementations. |
135 |
Common pitfall using trigonometric functions |
136 |
Using constants from java.lang.Math . |
137 |
Strings on CodingBat |
138 |
Masking strings |
139 |
Analyzing strings |
140 |
Pitfalls using “==”: Equality of
String instances |
141 |
Weird, weirder, weirdest! |
142 |
Analyzing file pathnames |
Arrays |
143 |
Assignment to final variable? |
144 |
Converting string arrays to HTML. |
145 |
Route navigation |
146 |
Examinations and mark frequencies |
147 |
Pangram checker |
148 |
Reconsidering System.out.format(). |
149 |
Understanding search results |
150 |
Implementing append directly |
151 |
Purge duplicates |
152 |
A container of fixed capacity holding integer values |
153 |
Allow for variable capacity holding integer values |
154 |
Reading console input |
155 |
Prettifying output representation |
156 |
2-dimensional arrays and .length |
157 |
External array and string exercises |
158 |
Tic-tac-toe using a two-dimensional array |
159 |
Changing the game's internal representation |
160 |
Tic-tac-toe, Computer
vs. human |
161 |
Adding support to retrieve statistical data. |
162 |
Testing an implementation |
163 |
Improving prime number calculation performance |
164 |
Calculating the median |
165 |
A simple character based plotting application |
Inheritance |
166 |
Let me pass, please! |
167 |
Why is == correctly comparing enum
instances? |
168 |
String vs.
StringBuffer |
169 |
Alternate implementation of opposite directions |
170 |
Defining a Shape class hierarchy |
171 |
Scaling shapes |
172 |
Providing toString()
methods |
173 |
protected vs. “package
private” |
174 |
protected access involving different
instances |
Error Handling |
175 |
Mind your prey |
176 |
Expected exception test failure |
Working with Numbers |
177 |
Auto boxing int to Double? |
178 |
Why using String userInput =
null ? |
179 |
Parsing short values |
180 |
Parsing short values in hexadecimal
representation |
181 |
definitions |
182 |
Formatting int , double and LocaleDate
183 |
Chaining subtract method calls |
interface definitions and abstract Classes |
184 |
Understanding Arrays.sort()
185 |
Sorting Rectangle instances by
width |
186 |
Sorting Rectangle instances by width and
height |
187 |
Adding flexibility in sorting rectangles |
188 |
A nonsense generator |
189 |
An interface based plotter |
Application deployment I |
190 |
Various integer array algorithms |
191 |
A command line version computing a sample's average and
median |
Reading character streams |
192 |
Adding line numbers to text files |
193 |
A partial implementation of GNU UNIX
wc |
Collections |
194 |
Inserting strings into a Set . |
195 |
Inserting strings into a List . |
196 |
Representing integer coordinate values |
197 |
Inserting Coordinate
instances into a Set . |
198 |
Getting a text's set of words. |
199 |
A text's set of words in alphabetic order |
200 |
Implementing unusual string sorting. |
201 |
Words and corresponding frequencies |
202 |
Formatting an address list |
203 |
Implementing a set of strings |
204 |
Implementing word frequencies by Map < String ,
Integer >
instances. |
205 |
Regain sorting capabilities. |
206 |
Creating an overview of grades showing frequencies |
207 |
Creating an overview of grades showing individual names |