Figure 689. What is Docbook? Slide presentation
  • Focus on technical documentation

  • Excellent authoring user interface

  • Semantic markup language

    • XML based

Figure 690. Authoring and publishing Slide presentation
Authoring and publishing

Figure 691. Document representation Slide presentation
<section version="5.1"

  <title>A Title</title>

  <para>A paragraph</para>

Figure 692. Software centric schema Slide presentation

Software specific support:

Software centric schema

Figure 693. Document targets Slide presentation
Document targets

Figure 694. Docbook components Slide presentation
  • Target format generators

    • XSL style sheets targeting HTML and FO

    • CSS and JavaScript for generated HTML

Figure 695. Target format overview Slide presentation
  • PDF

  • Epub(3)

  • Slides

  • ...

Figure 696. Tooling / Software Slide presentation
Editing / office
Editing / programming

emacs, vi, notepad, XML IDE, ...

XSLT processors

Saxon 6.5.5, Xalan, ...

FO (PDF) processors

Figure 697. Different schema languages Slide presentation
Docbook 5.x

Based on RelaxNG grammar

Docbook 4.x (old / outdated)

Based on DTD grammar