
Figure 40. Getting first Java impressions Slide presentation
  • Copy code you probably do not (yet) understand

  • Try to guess whats going on

  • Execute an watch the outcome

  • Optional: Add minor modifications thereby altering the results.

  • Don't worry: You'll get a full understanding later. (Promised! 🙄)

  GNU nano 5.8            /home/goik/Work/                       
public class HelloWorld {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello, World");

                              [ 6 Zeilen gelesen ]
^G Hilfe     ^O Speichern ^W Wo ist    ^K Ausschneid^T Ausführen ^C Position
^X Beenden   ^R Datei öffn^\ Ersetzen  ^U Einfügen  ^J Ausrichten^/ Zu Zeile