New API since JDK 11
Show API added in:
- Modules
- Packages
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Enum Classes
- Exception Classes
- Record Classes
- Annotation Interfaces
- Fields
- Methods
- Constructors
- Enum Constants
New ModulesModuleAdded inDescription16Defines the Java Packaging tool, jpackage.14Defines JDK-specific file mapping modes.
New PackagesPackageAdded inDescription22Provides classfile parsing, generation, and transformation library.22Provides interfaces describing classfile attributes for the
PREVIEW library.22Provides specific components, transformations, and tools built on top of thejava.lang.classfile
PREVIEW library.22Provides interfaces describing classfile constant pool entries for thejava.lang.classfile
PREVIEW library.22Provides interfaces describing code instructions for thejava.lang.classfile
PREVIEW library.12Classes and interfaces to represent nominal descriptors for run-time entities such as classes or method handles, and classfile entities such as constant pool entries orinvokedynamic
call sites.22Provides low-level access to memory and functions outside the Java runtime.14Thejava.lang.runtime
package provides low-level runtime support for the Java language.17This package contains classes and interfaces that support a generic API for random number generation.14JDK-specific map modes for use with FileChannel::map.
New InterfacesInterfaceAdded inDescription18A view of the immutable request state of an HTTP exchange.21A tree node for a character represented by an escape sequence.23A tree node for a fragment of uninterpreted raw text content.18A tree node for an
inline tag.20A tree node for an@spec
block tag.12A tree node for an@systemProperty
inline tag.22A tree node for a binding pattern that matches a pattern with a variable of any name and a type of the match candidate; an unnamed pattern.16A binding pattern tree21A marker interface forTree
s that may be used asCaseTree
labels.21A case label element that refers to a constant expression21A deconstruction pattern tree.21A case label that marksdefault
incase null, default
.21A case label element that refers to an expression16A tree node used as the base class for the different kinds of patterns.14A tree node for aswitch
expression.14A tree node for ayield
statement.13A provider for parameter names when the parameter names are not determined from a reliable source, like a classfile.22Models the access flags for a class, method, or field.22Models an annotation on a declaration.22Models a key-value pair of an annotation.22Models the value of a key-value pair of an annotation.22Models an annotation-valued element22Models an array-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a class-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models an enum-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a constant-valued element22Models a classfile attribute 4.7.2222Models theBootstrapMethods
attribute 4.7.23, which serves as an extension to the constant pool of a classfile.22Models a single character range in theCharacterRangeTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22The CharacterRangeTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute in the attributes table of aCode
attribute.22Models theCode
attribute 4.7.3, appears on non-native, non-abstract methods and contains the bytecode of the method body.22Models theCompilationID
attribute (@@@ need reference), which can appear on classes and records the compilation time of the class.22Models theConstantValue
attribute 4.7.2, which can appear on fields and indicates that the field's value is a constant.22Models theDeprecated
attribute 4.7.15, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.22Models theEnclosingMethod
attribute 4.7.7, which can appear on classes, and indicates that the class is a local or anonymous class.22Models theExceptions
attribute 4.7.5, which can appear on methods, and records the exceptions declared to be thrown by this method.22Models theInnerClasses
attribute 4.7.6, which can appear on classes, and records which classes referenced by this classfile are inner classes.22Models a single inner class in theInnerClassesAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models a single line number in theLineNumberTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theLineNumberTable
attribute 4.7.12, which can appear on aCode
attribute, and records the mapping between indexes into the code table and line numbers in the source file.22Models a single local variable in theLocalVariableTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theLocalVariableTable
attribute 4.7.13, which can appear on aCode
attribute, and records debug information about local variables.22Models a single local variable in theLocalVariableTypeTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theLocalVariableTypeTable
attribute 4.7.14, which can appear on aCode
attribute, and records debug information about local variables.22Models a single method parameter in theMethodParametersAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theMethodParameters
attribute 4.7.24, which can appear on methods, and records optional information about the method's parameters.22Models theModule
attribute 4.7.25, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.22A builder for module attributes.22Models a single "exports" declaration in theModuleAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theModuleHashes
attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.22Models hash information for a single module in theModuleHashesAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theModuleMainClass
attribute 4.7.27, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.22Models a single "opens" declaration in theModuleAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theModulePackages
attribute 4.7.26, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.22Models a single "provides" declaration in theModuleAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models a single "requires" declaration in theModuleAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theModuleResolution
attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.22Models theModuleTarget
attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.22Models theNestHost
attribute 4.7.28, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is a member of a nest.22Models theNestMembers
attribute 4.7.29, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is the host of a nest.22Models thePermittedSubclasses
attribute 4.7.31, which can appear on classes to indicate which classes may extend this class.22Models theRecord
attribute 4.7.30, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is a record class.22Models a single record component in theRecordAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models theRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations
attribute 4.7.17, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.22Models theRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations
attribute 4.7.19, which can appear on methods.22Models theRuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations
attribute 4.7.21, which can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes.22Models theRuntimeVisibleAnnotations
attribute 4.7.16, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.22Models theRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
attribute 4.7.18, which can appear on methods.22Models theRuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations
attribute 4.7.20, which can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes.22Models theSignature
attribute 4.7.9, which can appear on classes, methods, or fields.22Models theSourceDebugExtension
attribute.22Models theSourceFile
attribute 4.7.10, which can appear on classes.22Models theSourceID
attribute, which can appear on classes.22Models stack map frame ofStackMapTable
attribute stack value for an object type.22An uninitialized stack value.22The type of a stack value.2222Models theSynthetic
attribute 4.7.8, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.22Models an unknown attribute on a class, method, or field.22AClassFileElement
PREVIEW describing an entity that has attributes, such as a class, field, method, code attribute, or record component.22Bidirectional mapper between the classfile representation of an attribute and how that attribute is modeled in the API.22Models an entry in the bootstrap method table.22Supports writing portions of a classfile to a growable buffer.22A builder for classfiles.22A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aClassModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aClassBuilder
PREVIEW.22Represents a context for parsing, transforming, and generating classfiles.22Option describing attribute mappers for custom attributes.22Option describing the class hierarchy resolver to use when generating stack maps.22An option that affects the parsing and writing of classfiles.22A builder for a classfile or portion of a classfile.22Immutable model for a portion of (or the entirety of) a classfile.22A transformation on streams of elements.22The result of binding a transform to a builder.22Models the classfile version information for a class.22Provides class hierarchy information for generating correct stack maps during code building.22Information about a resolved class.22Models a classfile.22Supports reading from a classfile.22Models the generic signature of a class file, as defined by transformation on streams ofClassElement
PREVIEW.22A builder for code attributes (method bodies).22A builder for blocks of code.22A builder to add catch blocks.22A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aCodeModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aCodeBuilder
PREVIEW.22Models the body of a method (theCode
attribute).22A transformation on streams ofCodeElement
PREVIEW.22A leaf node holding single printable value.22A tree node holdingList
of nested nodes.22A tree node holdingMap
of nested nodes.22Named, traversable, and printable node parent.22ClassRemapper
is aClassTransform
PREVIEW andCodeTransform
PREVIEW deeply re-mapping all class references in any form, according to given map or map function.22CodeLocalsShifter
PREVIEW is aCodeTransform
PREVIEW shifting locals to newly allocated positions to avoid conflicts during code injection.22A code relabeler is aCodeTransform
PREVIEW replacing all occurrences ofLabel
PREVIEW in the transformed code with new instances.22CodeStackTracker
PREVIEW is aCodeTransform
PREVIEW tracking stack content and calculating max stack size.22AClassFileElement
PREVIEW that has complex structure defined in terms of other classfile elements, such as a method, field, method body, or entire class.22A constant pool entry that may be used as an annotation constant, which includes the four kinds of primitive constants, and UTF8 constants.22Models aCONSTANT_Class_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_Dynamic_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Provides read access to the constant pool and bootstrap method table of a classfile.22Builder for the constant pool of a classfile.22Models a constant pool entry that can be used as the constant in aConstantValue
attribute; this includes the four primitive constant types and String constants.22Models aCONSTANT_Double_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models a dynamic constant pool entry, which is eitherConstantDynamicEntry
PREVIEW orInvokeDynamicEntry
PREVIEW.22Models aCONSTANT_Fieldref_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_Float_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_Integer_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models a constant pool entry for a dynamic call site.22Marker interface for constant pool entries suitable for loading via theLDC
instructions.22Models aCONSTANT_Long_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models a member reference constant in the constant pool of a classfile, which includes references to fields, methods, and interface methods.22Models aCONSTANT_MethodHandle_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_MethodRef_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_MethodType_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_Module_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_NameAndType_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_Package_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models an entry in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_String_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22Models aCONSTANT_UTF8_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.22A builder for fields.22A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aFieldModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aFieldBuilder
PREVIEW.22Models a field.22A transformation on streams ofFieldElement
PREVIEW.22Models an executable instruction in a method body.22Models an array load instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models an array store instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a branching instruction (conditional or unconditional) in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theCharacterRangeTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models a constant-load instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute, including "intrinsic constant" instructions (e.g.,iconst_0
), "argument constant" instructions (e.g.,bipush
), and "load constant" instructions (e.g.,LDC
).22Models an "argument constant" instruction (e.g.,bipush
).22Models an "intrinsic constant" instruction (e.g.,iconst_0
).22Models a "load constant" instruction (e.g.,ldc
).22Models a primitive conversion instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute, such asi2l
.22Models instruction discontinued from thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models JSR and JSR_W instructions discontinued from thecode
array of aCode
attribute since class file version 51.0.22Models RET and RET_W instructions discontinued from thecode
array of aCode
attribute since class file version 51.0.22A pseudo-instruction modeling an entry in the exception table of a code attribute.22Models a field access instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a local variable increment instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models aninvokedynamic
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a method invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute, other thaninvokedynamic
.22A pseudo-instruction which indicates that the specified label corresponds to the current position in theCode
attribute.22A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theLineNumberTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models a local variable load instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theLocalVariableTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theLocalVariableTypeTableAttribute
PREVIEW.22Models alookupswitch
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models amonitorenter
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models amultianewarray
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models anew
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models anewarray
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models aanewarray
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models anop
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models an arithmetic operator instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a return-from-method instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a stack manipulation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a local variable store instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models a single case in alookupswitch
instruction.22Models atableswitch
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models anathrow
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models aninstanceof
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute.22Models the interfaces of a class.22A marker for a position within the instructions of a method body.22A builder for methods.22A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aMethodModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aMethodBuilder
PREVIEW.22Models a method.22Models the generic signature of a method, as defined by transformation on streams ofMethodElement
PREVIEW.22Models metadata about aCodeAttribute
PREVIEW, such as entries in the exception table, line number table, local variable table, or the mapping between instructions and labels.22Models generic Java type signatures, as defined in the signature of an array type.22Models the signature of a primitive type or void22Models the signature of a possibly-parameterized class or interface type.22Models the signature of a reference type, which may be a class, interface, type variable, or array type.22Models a signature for a throwable type.22Models the type argument.23Models a type argument with an explicit bound type.23Models an unbounded type argument*
.22Models a signature for a type parameter of a generic class or method.22Models the signature of a type variable.22Models the superclass of a class.2222Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in an exception parameter declaration.22Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in a field declaration, the return type of a method, the type of a newly constructed object, or the receiver type of a method or constructor.22Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a formal parameter declaration of a method, constructor, or lambda expression.22Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a local variable declaration, including a variable declared as a resource in a try-with-resources statement.22Indicates a range of code array offsets within which a local variable has a value, and the index into the local variable array of the current frame at which that local variable can be found.22Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in an instanceof expression or a new expression, or the type before the :: in a method reference expression.22Indicates that an annotation appears on a type in the extends or implements clause of a class or interface declaration.22Specifies which type in a declaration or expression is being annotated.22Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in the throws clause of a method or constructor declaration.22Indicates that an annotation appears either on the i'th type in a cast expression, or on the i'th type argument in the explicit type argument list for any of the following: a new expression, an explicit constructor invocation statement, a method invocation expression, or a method reference expression.22Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th bound of the j'th type parameter declaration of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor.22Indicates that an annotation appears on the declaration of the i'th type parameter of a generic class, generic interface, generic method, or generic constructor.22JVMS: Type_path structure identifies which part of the type is annotated, as defined in classfile element that can encode itself as a stream of bytes in the encoding expected by the classfile format.12A nominal descriptor for aClass
constant.12Represents a type which is constable.12A nominal descriptor for a loadable constant value, as defined in JVMS 4.4.12A nominal descriptor for a directMethodHandle
.12A nominal descriptor for aMethodHandle
constant.12A nominal descriptor for a MethodType constant.21A nominal descriptor for aModule
constant.21A nominal descriptor for aPackage
constant.22A value layout used to model the address of some region of memory.22An arena controls the lifecycle of native memory segments, providing both flexible allocation and timely deallocation.22A function descriptor models the signature of a foreign function.22A compound layout that is an aggregation of multiple, heterogeneous member layouts.22A linker provides access to foreign functions from Java code, and access to Java code from foreign functions.22A linker option is used to provide additional parameters to a linkage request.22A memory layout describes the contents of a memory segment.22An element in a layout path.22A memory segment provides access to a contiguous region of memory.22A padding layout.22An object that may be used to allocate memory segments.22A compound layout that denotes a homogeneous repetition of a given element layout.22A group layout whose member layouts are laid out one after the other.22A symbol lookup retrieves the address of a symbol in one or more libraries.22A group layout whose member layouts are laid out at the same starting offset.22A layout that models values of basic data types.22A value layout whose carrier isboolean.class
.22A value layout whose carrier isbyte.class
.22A value layout whose carrier ischar.class
.22A value layout whose carrier isdouble.class
.22A value layout whose carrier isfloat.class
.22A value layout whose carrier isint.class
.22A value layout whose carrier islong.class
.22A value layout whose carrier isshort.class
.12An entity that has a type descriptor.12An entity that has a field type descriptor.12An entity that has a method type descriptor Method descriptors conforming to JVMS 4.3.3 can be described nominally viaMethodType::describeConstable
; otherwise they cannot be described nominally.23An operation that returns a result and may throw an exception.21A builder forThread
objects.21A builder for creating a platformThread
that creates platform threads.21A builder for creating a virtualThread
that creates virtual threads.18This interface defines operations for looking up host names and IP addresses.18AConfiguration
object is supplied to theInetAddressResolverProvider.get(Configuration)
method when setting the system-wide resolver.22An asymmetric key, which can be either a public key or a private key.15An interface for an elliptic curve public/private key as defined by RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).15An interface for an elliptic curve private key as defined by RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).15An interface for an elliptic curve public key as defined by RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).17Provides access to the current instant.21Represents a subtask forked withStructuredTaskScope.fork(Callable)
interface is designed to provide a common protocol for objects that generate random or (more typically) pseudorandom sequences of numbers (or Boolean values).21A collection that has a well-defined encounter order, that supports operations at both ends, and that is reversible.21A Map that has a well-defined encounter order, that supports operations at both ends, and that is reversible.21A collection that is both aSequencedCollection
and aSet
.16Represents an operation that accepts adouble
-valued argument and a DoubleConsumer, and returns no result.22An intermediate operation that transforms a stream of input elements into a stream of output elements, optionally applying a final action when the end of the upstream is reached.22A Downstream object is the next stage in a pipeline of operations, to which elements can be sent.22An Integrator receives elements and processes them, optionally using the supplied state, and optionally sends incremental results downstream.22Greedy Integrators consume all their input, and may only relay that the downstream does not want more elements.16Represents an operation that accepts anint
-valued argument and an IntConsumer, and returns no result.16Represents an operation that accepts along
-valued argument and a LongConsumer, and returns no result.21This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for theKEM
class.21The KEM decapsulator implementation, generated byKEMSpi.engineNewDecapsulator(,
on the KEM receiver side.21The KEM encapsulator implementation, generated byKEMSpi.engineNewEncapsulator(,,
on the KEM sender side.16Represents a record component.14Represents a stream of events.22Start an external process where the user's snippets can be run.22Callback that should invoked when the remote process is invoked.21An interface providing functionality forConsole
in the user's snippet.
New ClassesClassAdded inDescription18Implementations of
that implement various useful handlers, such as a static response handler, or a conditional handler that complements one handler with another.18A simple HTTP file server and its components (intended for testing, development and debugging purposes only).23A collection of static convenience methods that provide access to system console for implicitly declared classes.22Attribute mappers for standard classfile attributes.22A printer of classfiles and its elements.22Models a non-standard attribute of a classfile.12Predefined values of nominal descriptor for common constants, including descriptors for primitive class types and other common platform types, and descriptors for method handles for standard bootstrap methods.12A nominal descriptor for aninvokedynamic
call site.12A nominal descriptor for a dynamic constant (one described in the constant pool withConstant_Dynamic_info
.)12A nominal descriptor for anenum
constant.12A nominal descriptor for aVarHandle
constant.16This is the common base class of all Java language record classes.16ARecordComponent
provides information about, and dynamic access to, a component of a record class.23A testing conversion of a value is exact if it yields a result without loss of information or throwing an exception.16Bootstrap methods for state-driven implementations of core methods, includingObject.equals(Object)
, andObject.toString()
.21Bootstrap methods for linkinginvokedynamic
call sites that implement the selection functionality of theswitch
statement.21A value that may be safely and efficiently shared to methods without using method parameters.21A mapping of scoped values, as keys, to values.18ALookupPolicy
object describes characteristics that can be applied to a lookup operation.18Service-provider class for InetAddress resolvers.16A Unix domain socket address.15A class used to specify EdDSA signature and verification parameters.15An elliptic curve point used to specify keys as defined by RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).15A class representing elliptic curve private keys as defined in RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), including the curve and other algorithm parameters.15A class representing elliptic curve public keys as defined in RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), including the curve and other algorithm parameters.12CompactNumberFormat
is a concrete subclass ofNumberFormat
that formats a decimal number in a localized compact form.22ListFormat
formats or parses a list of strings in a locale-sensitive way.21A basic API for structured concurrency.2121AStructuredTaskScope
that captures the result of the first subtask to complete successfullyPREVIEW.17HexFormat
converts between bytes and chars and hex-encoded strings which may include additional formatting markup such as prefixes, suffixes, and delimiters.17This is a factory class for generating multiple random number generators of a specific algorithm.2221This class provides the functionality of a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM).21A decapsulator, generated byKEM.newDecapsulator(
on the KEM receiver side.21This class specifies the return value of the encapsulate method of a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM), which includes the shared secret (as aSecretKey
), the key encapsulation message, and optional parameters.21An encapsulator, generated byKEM.newEncapsulator(
on the KEM sender side.14A skeletal visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for source versionRELEASE_14
.23A skeletal visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.16A skeletal visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for theRELEASE_14
source version.23A skeletal visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.14A skeletal visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for theRELEASE_14
source version.23A skeletal visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.16A visitor of program elements based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for theRELEASE_14
source version.2316A scanning visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for theRELEASE_14
source version.23A scanning visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.14A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for source versionRELEASE_14
.23A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.16A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for theRELEASE_14
source version.23A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.14A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for source versionRELEASE_14
.23A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version.14A visitor of types based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for source versionRELEASE_14
.2312Service-provider class for DNS lookups when performing LDAP operations.12The result of a DNS lookup for an LDAP URL.23ClassOutputBin
is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies the output bin for the job.17Parameters for the XML Signature RSASSA-PSS Algorithm.16Event that contains information about event types and configurations.14A recording stream produces events from the current JVM (Java Virtual Machine).16An implementation of anEventStream
that can serialize events over the network using anMBeanServerConnection
.14JDK-specific map modes.
New Enum ClassesEnum ClassAdded inDescription21Thread dump format.18Describes the log message output level produced by the server when processing exchanges.14The syntactic form of this case: STATEMENT:
case <expression>: <statements>
RULE:case <expression> -> <expression>/<statement>
22A simple stack value.22Attribute stability indicator22Option describing whether to process or discard unrecognized or problematic original attributes when a class, record component, field, method or code is transformed in its exploded form.22Option describing whether to preserve the original constant pool when transforming a classfile.22Option describing whether to patch out unreachable code.22Option describing whether to filter unresolved labels.22Option describing whether to process or discard debug elements.22Option describing whether to process or discard line numbers.22Option describing whether to automatically rewrite short jumps to long when necessary.22Option describing whether to generate stackmaps.22Level of detail to print or export.22Describes the opcodes of the JVM instruction set, as described in 6.5.22Kinds of opcodes.23Models a type argument's wildcard indicator.22The kind of target on which the annotation appears, as defined in path kind, as defined in the types that can be part of a field or method descriptor.12Kinds of method handles that can be described with DirectMethodHandleDesc.15The set of class options that specify whether a hidden class created byLookup::defineHiddenClass
method is dynamically added as a new member to the nest of a lookup class and/or whether a hidden class has a strong relationship with the class loader marked as its defining loader.2020A location within a class file where flags can be applied.20Class file format versions of the Java virtual machine.222212A number format style.19Represents the computation state.21Represents the state of a subtask.23The kind of documentation comment.22Defines the actions that a CatalogResolver may take when it is unable to resolve an external reference.19A span attribute which can be used to derive a coloring.
New Exception ClassesException ClassAdded inDescription19Thrown to indicate an operation could not be performed on a frame.22Thrown to indicate that requested entry cannot be obtained from the constant pool.21Thrown to indicate an unexpected failure in pattern matching.19Thrown to indicate that a method has been called on the wrong thread.21Thrown when a structure violation is detected.21An exception that is thrown by the
method to denote an error during decapsulation.
New Record ClassesRecord ClassAdded inDescription19Assigns attributes usable for coloring to spans inside a snippet.16Represents the credentials of a peer connected to a Unix domain socket.
New Annotation InterfacesAnnotation InterfaceAdded inDescription14Indicates that an annotated field or method is part of the serialization mechanism defined by the Java Object Serialization Specification.
New FieldsFieldAdded inDescription19Constant for the "Arabic Extended-B" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "Arabic Extended-C" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Chess Symbols" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Chorasmian" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H" Unicode character block.22Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Cypro-Minoan" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-D" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "Devanagari Extended-A" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Dives Akuru" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Dogra" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Elymaic" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended-B" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Georgian Extended" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Gunjala Gondi" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Hanifi Rohingya" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Indic Siyaq Numbers" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "Kaktovik Numerals" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Kana Extended-B" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "Kawi" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Khitan Small Script" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Latin Extended-F" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Latin Extended-G" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Lisu Supplement" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Makasar" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Mayan Numerals" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Medefaidrin" Unicode character block.20Constant for the "Nag Mundari" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Nandinagari" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Old Sogdian" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Old Uyghur" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Ottoman Siyaq Numbers" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Small Kana Extension" Unicode character block.12Constant for the "Sogdian" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Symbols for Legacy Computing" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Tamil Supplement" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Tangsa" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Tangut Supplement" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Toto" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Vithkuqi" Unicode character block.13Constant for the "Wancho" Unicode character block.15Constant for the "Yezidi" Unicode character block.19Constant for the "Znamenny Musical Notation" Unicode character block.23The class major version of JAVA_23.21
21The special name of class initialization methods, "<clinit>".15Nominal descriptor representing the constant Boolean.FALSE21The special name of instance initialization methods, "<init>".21Nominal descriptor representing the method descriptor()V
, taking no argument and returningvoid
.15Nominal descriptor representing the constant Boolean.TRUE19The number of bits in the significand of adouble
value.19The number of bits in the significand of afloat
value.16A single-bit mask representingoriginal
access which may contribute to the result oflookupModes
value that is closer than any other to tau (τ), the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius.19Thedouble
value that is closer than any other to tau (τ), the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius.19The value 2, with a scale of 0.22Thirty-two-bit UCS Transformation Format, byte order identified by an optional byte-order mark.22Thirty-two-bit UCS Transformation Format, big-endian byte order.22Thirty-two-bit UCS Transformation Format, little-endian byte order.16TheMGF1ParameterSpec
uses a "SHA3-224" message digest.16TheMGF1ParameterSpec
uses a "SHA3-256" message digest.16TheMGF1ParameterSpec
uses a "SHA3-384" message digest.16TheMGF1ParameterSpec
uses a "SHA3-512" message digest.15The Ed25519 parameters15The Ed448 parameters12Constant identifying the prefix field.12Constant identifying the suffix field.13The singleton instance for the 'Reiwa' era (2019-05-01 - ) which has the value 3.13Enterprise name (alias)13The Canonical XML 1.1 (without comments) canonicalization method algorithm URI.13The Canonical XML 1.1 with comments canonicalization method algorithm URI.13URI identifying the EC KeyValue KeyInfo type: ED25519 signature method algorithm URI.21The ED448 signature method algorithm URI.17The RSASSA-PSS signature method algorithm URI.22The SHA3-224-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.22The SHA3-256-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.22The SHA3-384-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.22The SHA3-512-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.19ProducebitCount(a)
19Disable IP packet fragmentation.15Identifies the receive queue that the last incoming packet for the socket was received on.16Unix Domain peer credentials.
New MethodsMethodAdded inDescription21Restricts the events generated by this request to only platform threads.21Restricts the events generated by this request to only platform threads.21Returns
if the thread is a virtual thread.21Generate a thread dump to the given file in the given format.14Returns the "recent cpu usage" for the operating environment.14Returns the amount of free memory in bytes.14Returns the total amount of memory in bytes.14Returns an approximation of the total amount of memory, in bytes, allocated in heap memory for the current thread.21Returns an approximation of the total amount of memory, in bytes, allocated in heap memory by all threads since the Java virtual machine started.18Returns a pre-processing Filter that inspects and possibly adapts the request state.17Returns a post-processingFilter
with the given description and operation.17Returns a pre-processingFilter
with the given description and operation.18Returns an immutableHeaders
with the given name value pairs as its set of headers.18Returns an immutableHeaders
from the givenheaders
with the same header names and values.18Creates anHttpServer
instance with an initial context.18Creates anHttpsServer
instance with an initial context.21Visits anEscapeTree
node.23Visits aRawTextTree
node.18Visits aSnippetTree
node.20Visits aSpecTree
node.12Visits aSystemPropertyTree
node.22Returns the reference to a superclass or superinterface from which to inherit documentation, ornull
if no reference was provided.16Returns whether this instance is an inline tag.20Returns the format string, ornull
if none was provided.14For case with kind CaseTree.CaseKind.RULE, returns the statement or expression after the arrow.14Returns the kind of this case.14Returns the labels for this case.21The guard for the case.21Returns the labels for this case.17Returns the subclasses permitted by this type declaration.17Returns the module tree associated with this compilation unit, ornull
if there is no module declaration.23Returns true if this is an module import declaration..16Returns the tested pattern, or null if this instanceof does not use a pattern.22Visits aAnyPatternTree
node.16Visits aBindingPatternTree
node.21Visits aConstantCaseLabelTree
node.21Visits aDeconstructionPatternTree
node.21Visits aDefaultCaseLabelTree
node.21Visits aPatternCaseLabelTree
node.14Visits aSwitchExpressionTree
node.14Visits aYieldTree
node.21Creates a newEscapeTree
object, to represent an escaped character.22Creates a newInheritDocTree
object, to represent an{@inheritDoc}
tag.23Creates a newRawTextTree
object, to represent a fragment of uninterpreted raw text.16Creates a newReturnTree
object, to represent a@return
tag or{@return}
tag.18Creates a newSnippetTree
object, to represent a{@snippet }
tag.20Creates a newSpecTree
object, to represent an@spec
tag.12Creates a newSystemPropertyTree
object, to represent a{@systemProperty }
tag.20Creates a newValueTree
object, to represent a{@value }
tag.16Returns a string containing the characters for the entity in a given entity tree, ornull
if the tree does not represent a valid series of characters.23Returns the style of the documentation comment associated with a tree node.15Returns the language model type referred to by the leaf node of the givenDocTreePath
, ornull
if unknown.21Visits anEscapeTree
node.23Visits aRawTextTree
node.18Visits aSnippetTree
node.20Visits aSpecTree
node.12Visits aSystemPropertyTree
node.13Sets the specifiedParameterNameProvider
.14Returns whether or not this plugin should be automatically started, even if not explicitly specified in the command-line options.21Visits anEscapeTree
node.23Visits aRawTextTree
node.18Visits aSnippetTree
node.20Visits aSpecTree
node.12Visits aSystemPropertyTree
node.22Visits aAnyPatternTree
node.14Visits aBindingPatternTree
node.21Visits aConstantCaseLabelTree
node.21Visits aDeconstructionPatternTree
node.21Visits aDefaultCaseLabelTree
node.21Visits aPatternCaseLabelTree
node.14Visits aSwitchExpressionTree
node.14Visits aYieldTree
node.21Visits aAnyPatternTree
node.14Visits aBindingPatternTree
node.21Visits aConstantCaseLabelTree
node.21Visits aDeconstructionPatternTree
node.21Visits aDefaultCaseLabelTree
node.21Visits aPatternCaseLabelTree
node.14Visits aSwitchExpressionTree
node.14Visits aYieldTree
node.17Returns theCharset
object used for theConsole
.23Writes a formatted string to this console's output stream using the specified format string and arguments with the specifiedlocale
if theConsole
instance is a terminal.23Writes a string representation of the specified object to this console's output stream and then flushes the console.23A convenience method to write a formatted string to this console's output stream using the specified format string and arguments with the specifiedlocale
.23Writes a string representation of the specified object to this console's output stream, terminates the line usingSystem.lineSeparator()
and then flushes the console.23Provides a formatted prompt using the specifiedlocale
, then reads a single line of text from the console.23Writes a prompt as if by callingprint
, then reads a single line of text from this console.23Provides a formatted prompt using the specifiedlocale
, then reads a password or passphrase from the console with echoing disabled.12Skips over and discards exactlyn
bytes of data from this input stream.17Returns a filter that returnsStatus.ALLOWED
if the predicate on the class istrue
.17Returns the JVM-wide deserialization filter factory.1717Returns a filter that merges the status of a filter and another filter.17Returns a filter that returnsStatus.REJECTED
if the predicate on the class istrue
.17Returns a filter that invokes a given filter and mapsUNDECIDED
for classes, with some special cases, and otherwise returns the status.18Returns the charset used in thisPrintStream
instance.14Writes all bytes from the specified byte array to this stream.15Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance.15Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance.15Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance.21Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) is an Emoji.21Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) is an Emoji Component.21Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) is an Emoji Modifier.21Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) is an Emoji Modifier Base.21Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) has the Emoji Presentation property by default.21Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) is an Extended Pictographic.15Returnstrue
if this character sequence is empty.20Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for this class, possibly empty.12Returns aClass
for an array type whose component type is described by this Class.12Returns the component type of thisClass
, if it describes an array type, ornull
otherwise.12Returns a nominal descriptor for this instance, if one can be constructed, or an emptyOptional
if one cannot be.12Returns the descriptor string of the entity (class, interface, array class, primitive type, orvoid
) represented by thisClass
object.22Returns theClass
object associated with the primitive type of the given name.17Returns an array containingClass
objects representing the direct subinterfaces or subclasses permitted to extend or implement this class or interface if it is sealed.16Returns an array ofRecordComponent
objects representing all the record components of this record class, ornull
if this class is not a record class.15Returnstrue
if and only if the underlying class is a hidden class.16Returnstrue
if and only if this class is a record class.17Returnstrue
if and only if thisClass
object represents a sealed class or interface.23Returns Attribute mapper for theAnnotationDefault
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theBootstrapMethods
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theCharacterRangeTable
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theCode
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theCompilationID
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theConstantValue
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theDeprecated
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theEnclosingMethod
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theExceptions
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theInnerClasses
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theLineNumberTable
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theLocalVariableTable
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theLocalVariableTypeTable
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theMethodParameters
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theModule
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theModuleHashes
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theModuleMainClass
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theModulePackages
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theModuleResolution
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theModuleTarget
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theNestHost
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theNestMembers
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for thePermittedSubclasses
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRecord
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRuntimeVisibleAnnotations
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theRuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theSignature
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theSourceDebugExtension
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theSourceFile
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theSourceID
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theStackMapTable
attribute.23Returns Attribute mapper for theSynthetic
attribute.23Returns the constant pool entry of a given type whose index is given at the specified offset within the classfile, or null if the index at the specified offset is zero.23Returns a class<Signature.TypeParam>, Signature.ClassTypeSig, Signature.ClassTypeSig...) PREVIEW23Returns a class signature.23Generate an instruction to load from an array23Generate an instruction to store into an array23Generate a branch instruction23Generate instruction(s) to convertfromType
23Generate an instruction to access a field23Generate an instruction to access a field23Generate an instruction to determine if an object is of the given type23Generate an instruction to determine if an object is of the given type23Generate an instruction to invoke a method or constructor23Generate an instruction to invoke a method or constructor23Generate an instruction pushing a constant onto the operand stack23Generate an instruction pushing a constant onto the operand stack23Generate an instruction to load a value from a local variable23Generate return instruction23Generate an instruction to store a value to a local variable23Returns the entry of a given type at the specified, Signature.RefTypeSig) PREVIEW23Returns a bounded type arg.23Returns an upper-bounded type arg.23Returns a bounded type arg.23Returns a lower-bounded type arg.23Returns an unbounded type arg.23Returns the type kind associated with the array type described by the array code used as an operand tonewarray
.23Returns the code used by thenewarray
opcode corresponding to this type.20Returns a ClassDesc for a class or interface type, given the name of the class or interface in internal form, such as"java/lang/String"
.21Returns a MethodTypeDesc with the given return type and no parameter types.21Returns a MethodTypeDesc given the return type and a list of parameter types.12Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance, which is the instance itself.12Resolves this instance as aConstantDesc
, the result of which is the instance itself.12Returns an enum descriptorEnumDesc
for this instance, if one can be constructed, or an emptyOptional
if one cannot be.12Returns a nominal descriptor for the specifiedenum
class and name12Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance, which is the instance itself.20Returns thefloat
value closest to the numerical value of the argument, a floating-point binary16 value encoded in ashort
.20Returns the floating-point binary16 value, encoded in ashort
, closest in value to the argument.12Resolves this instance as aConstantDesc
, the result of which is the instance itself.23Returns the address of the symbol with the given name or throws an exception.19Returns the value obtained by compressing the bits of the specifiedint
, in accordance with the specified bit mask.12Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance, which is the instance itself.19Returns the value obtained by expanding the bits of the specifiedint
, in accordance with the specified bit mask.12Resolves this instance as aConstantDesc
, the result of which is the instance itself.15Applies a conversion from a source type to a destination type.12Return a nominal descriptor for this instance, if one can be constructed, or an emptyOptional
if one cannot be.16Returns the class data associated with the lookup class of the givencaller
lookup object, ornull
.16Returns the element at the specified index in the class data, if the class data associated with the lookup class of the givencaller
lookup object is aList
.22Adapts a target var handle by pre-processing a sub-sequence of its coordinate values with a filter (a method handle).22Returns a var handle which will discard some dummy coordinates before delegating to the target var handle.16Drop the return value of the target handle (if any).22Adapts a target var handle by pre-processing incoming coordinate values using unary filter functions.22Adapts a target var handle by pre-processing incoming and outgoing values using a pair of filter functions.22Provides a target var handle with one or more bound coordinates in advance of the var handle's invocation.15Creates a hidden class or interface frombytes
, returning aLookup
on the newly created class or interface.16Creates a hidden class or interface frombytes
with associated class data, returning aLookup
on the newly created class or interface.15Ensures thattargetClass
has been initialized.14Returnstrue
if this lookup has full privilege access, i.e.14Reports a lookup class in another module that this lookup object was previously teleported from, ornull
.22Provides a var handle which adapts the coordinate values of the target var handle, by re-arranging them so that the new coordinates match the provided ones.17Creates a table switch method handle, which can be used to switch over a set of target method handles, based on a given target index, called selector.12Returns a nominal descriptor for this instance, if one can be constructed, or an emptyOptional
if one cannot be.12Returns the descriptor string for this method type.12Return a nominal descriptor for this instance, if one can be constructed, or an emptyOptional
if one cannot be.16Returnstrue
if this VarHandle has invoke-exact behavior.16Returns a VarHandle, with access to the same variable(s) as this VarHandle, but whose invocation behavior of access mode methods is adjusted to invoke behavior.16Returns a VarHandle, with access to the same variable(s) as this VarHandle, but whose invocation behavior of access mode methods is adjusted to invoke-exact behavior.19Returns the value obtained by compressing the bits of the specifiedlong
, in accordance with the specified bit mask.12Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance, which is the instance itself.19Returns the value obtained by expanding the bits of the specifiedlong
, in accordance with the specified bit mask.12Resolves this instance as aConstantDesc
, the result of which is the instance itself.15Returns the mathematical absolute value of anint
value if it is exactly representable as anint
, throwingArithmeticException
if the result overflows the positiveint
range.15Returns the mathematical absolute value of anlong
value if it is exactly representable as anlong
, throwingArithmeticException
if the result overflows the positivelong
range.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)int
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)long
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)long
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)int
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)long
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the ceiling modulus of theint
arguments.18Returns the ceiling modulus of thelong
arguments.18Returns the ceiling modulus of thelong
arguments.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.18Returns the quotient of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows anint
.18Returns the quotient of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows along
.18Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity)int
value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity)long
value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns as along
the most significant 64 bits of the unsigned 128-bit product of two unsigned 64-bit factors.22Returnstrue
if this module can access restricted methods.20Returns the set of the module flags.20Returns the set of the module export flags for this module descriptor.20Returns the set of the module opens flags.20Returns the set of the module requires flags.22Enables native access for a module in the layer if the caller's module has native access.17Returns aBufferedReader
connected to the standard error of the process.17Returns aBufferedReader
connected to the standard error of this process using a Charset.17Returns aBufferedReader
connected to the standard output of the process.17Returns aBufferedReader
connected to the standard output of this process using a Charset.17Returns aBufferedWriter
connected to the normal input of the process using the native encoding.17Returns aBufferedWriter
connected to the normal input of the process using a Charset.16Tests if the referent of this reference object isobj
.20Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for the executable represented by this object, possibly empty.20Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for this field, possibly empty.16Invokes the specified default method on the givenproxy
instance with the given parameters.20Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for this member, possibly empty.20Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for the parameter represented by this object, possibly empty.23Calls a value-returning operation with aScopedValue
bound to a value in the current thread.23Calls a value-returning operation with each scoped value in this mapping bound to its value in the current thread.15Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance.15Returns the mathematical absolute value of anint
value if it is exactly representable as anint
, throwingArithmeticException
if the result overflows the positiveint
range.15Returns the mathematical absolute value of anlong
value if it is exactly representable as anlong
, throwingArithmeticException
if the result overflows the positivelong
range.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)int
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)long
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)long
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)int
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)long
value that is greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the ceiling modulus of theint
arguments.18Returns the ceiling modulus of thelong
arguments.18Returns the ceiling modulus of thelong
arguments.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.21Clamps the value to fit between min and max.14Returns the argument decremented by one, throwing an exception if the result overflows anint
.14Returns the argument decremented by one, throwing an exception if the result overflows along
.18Returns the quotient of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows anint
.18Returns the quotient of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows along
.18Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity)int
value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.18Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity)long
value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.14Returns the argument incremented by one, throwing an exception if the result overflows anint
.14Returns the argument incremented by one, throwing an exception if the result overflows along
.14Returns the negation of the argument, throwing an exception if the result overflows anint
.14Returns the negation of the argument, throwing an exception if the result overflows along
.18Returns as along
the most significant 64 bits of the unsigned 128-bit product of two unsigned 64-bit factors.12Returns anOptional
containing the nominal descriptor for this instance, which is the instance itself.15Formats using this string as the format string, and the supplied arguments.12Adjusts the indentation of each line of this string based on the value ofn
, and normalizes line termination characters.21Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting the search atbeginIndex
and stopping beforeendIndex
.21Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring within the specified index range ofthis
string.12Resolves this instance as aConstantDesc
, the result of which is the instance itself.21Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression and returns both the strings and the matching delimiters.15Returns a string whose value is this string, with incidental white space removed from the beginning and end of every line.12This method allows the application of a function tothis
string.15Returns a string whose value is this string, with escape sequences translated as if in a string literal.2121212121Returnstrue
if this thread is a virtual thread.19Waits for this thread to terminate for up to the given waiting duration.21Returns a builder for creating a platformThread
that creates platform threads.21Returns a builder for creating a virtualThread
that creates virtual threads.19Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified duration, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.21Creates a virtual thread to execute a task and schedules it to execute.19Returns the identifier of this Thread.19Returns a BigInteger whose value is(this * val)
.17Joins a multicast group.17Leave a multicast group on a specified local interface.21Blocks until all operations have completed execution after a shutdown request, or theduration
elapses, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first.19Binds the socket to this local address when creating connections for sending requests.21Initiates an orderly shutdown in which requests previously submitted tosend
are run to completion, but no new request will be accepted.21Returnstrue
if all operations have completed following a shutdown.21Initiates an orderly shutdown in which requests previously submitted withsend
are run to completion, but no new request will be accepted.21This method attempts to initiate an immediate shutdown.16Returns aBodyPublisher
that publishes a request body consisting of the concatenation of the request bodies published by a sequence of publishers.18Sets the request method of this builder to HEAD.16Creates aBuilder
whose initial state is copied from an existingHttpRequest
.22Creates anInet4Address
based on the provided textual representation of an IPv4 address.23Creates anInet4Address
based on the provided textual representation of an IPv4 address in POSIXinet_addr
compatible form.22Creates anInetAddress
based on the provided textual representation of an IPv6 address.22Creates anInetAddress
based on the provided textual representation of an IP address.12Returns anOptional
containing theSSLSession
in use on the original connection that retrieved the network resource.20Creates a URL from a URI, as if by invokinguri.toURL()
, but associating it with the givenURLStreamHandler
, if allowed.13Creates a new buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.22Maps a region of this channel's file into a new mapped memory segment, with the given offset, size and arena.15Opens a server-socket channel.15Opens a socket channel.15Opens a server-socket channel.15Opens a socket channel.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.15Returnstrue
if this character buffer is empty.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new char buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.18Returns a charset object for the named charset.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new double buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.12Finds and returns the position of the first mismatched byte in the content of two files, or-1L
if there is no mismatch.13Constructs a newFileSystem
to access the contents of a file as a file system.13Constructs a newFileSystem
to access the contents of a file as a file system.13Constructs a newFileSystem
to access the contents of a file as a file system.22Converts a path string to a path, resolves that path against this path, and then iteratively performs the same procedure for any additional path strings.22Resolves a path against this path, and then iteratively resolves any additional paths.20Tests whether a file exists.20Reads a file's attributes as a bulk operation if it exists.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new float buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new int buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new long buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.17Compacts this buffer (optional operation).17Creates a new byte buffer that shares this buffer's content.13Forces any changes made to a region of this buffer's content to be written to the storage device containing the mapped file.17Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.17Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk get method.13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).16Absolute bulk put method (optional operation).13Creates a new short buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.18Retrieves the attributes associated with the given alias.18Retrieves the attributes associated with the given alias.23Returnstrue
if this format will parse numbers strictly;false
otherwise.23Change the leniency value for parsing.23Returnstrue
if this format will parse numbers strictly;false
otherwise.23Change the leniency value for parsing.19Returns locale used to create this instance.15Gets the character used for grouping separator for currencies.15Sets the character used for grouping separator for currencies.1212Returns a compact number format for the specifiedlocale
if this format will parse numbers strictly;false
otherwise.23Change the leniency value for parsing.12Returns a newNumberFormat
instance which formats a number in its compact form for the specifiedlocale
.19Checks if this chronology is ISO based.19IsoChronology
is an ISO based chronology, which supports fields inIsoFields
is an ISO based chronology, which supports fields inIsoFields
is an ISO based chronology, which supports fields inIsoFields
is an ISO based chronology, which supports fields inIsoFields
.18Checks if this duration is positive, excluding zero.19Creates a locale specific formatter derived from the requested template for the ISO chronology.16Appends the day period text to the formatter.19Appends a localized pattern to the formatter using the requested template.19Returns the formatting pattern for the requested template for a locale and chronology.23Calculates theDuration
until anotherInstant
.21Adds an element as the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Adds an element as the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Gets the first element of this collection.21Gets the last element of this collection.21Removes and returns the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Removes and returns the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Returns a sequenced set backed by the specified map.21Randomly permute the specified list using the specified source of randomness.21Returns an unmodifiable view of the specifiedSequencedCollection
.21Returns an unmodifiable view of the specifiedSequencedMap
.21Returns an unmodifiable view of the specifiedSequencedSet
.12Returns a new CompletionStage that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is executed with this stage's exception as the argument to the supplied function, using this stage's default asynchronous execution facility.12Returns a new CompletionStage that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is executed with this stage's exception as the argument to the supplied function, using the supplied Executor.12Returns a new CompletionStage that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is composed using the results of the supplied function applied to this stage's exception.12Returns a new CompletionStage that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is composed using the results of the supplied function applied to this stage's exception, using this stage's default asynchronous execution facility.12Returns a new CompletionStage that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is composed using the results of the supplied function applied to this stage's exception, using the supplied Executor.21ThrowsUnsupportedOperationException
.21Adds an element as the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Adds an element as the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Gets the first element of this collection.21Gets the last element of this collection.21Removes and returns the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Removes and returns the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.21Creates an Executor that starts a new Thread for each task.21Creates an Executor that starts a new virtual Thread for each task.19Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.19Unless this is theForkJoinPool.commonPool()
, initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted, and waits until all tasks have completed execution and the executor has terminated.20Submits the given task as if submitted from a non-ForkJoinTask
client.22Uninterrupible version ofinvokeAll
.19Submits the given task without guaranteeing that it will eventually execute in the absence of available active threads.19Changes the target parallelism of this pool, controlling the future creation, use, and termination of worker threads.22Returns a newForkJoinTask
that performs therun
method of the givenRunnable
as its action, and returns null uponForkJoinTask.join()
, translating any checked exceptions encountered intoRuntimeException
.22Returns a newForkJoinTask
that performs therun
method of the givenRunnable
as its action, and returns the given result uponForkJoinTask.join()
, translating any checked exceptions encountered intoRuntimeException
.19Returns a newForkJoinTask
that performs thecall
method of the givenCallable
as its action, and returns its result uponForkJoinTask.join()
, translating any checked exceptions encountered intoRuntimeException
.19Tries to join this task, returning true if it completed (possibly exceptionally) before the given timeout and the current thread has not been interrupted.19Tries to join this task, returning true if it completed (possibly exceptionally) before the given timeout.20Returns a (non-negative) estimate of the number of tasks in the thread's queue.19Returns the exception thrown by the task, without waiting.19Returns the computed result, without waiting.19Returns the computation state.14Sets the object to be returned by invocations ofgetBlocker
for the current thread.17Returns a pseudorandomly chosenfloat
value between zero (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).17Returns a pseudorandomly chosenfloat
value between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.19Creates a new, empty HashMap suitable for the expected number of mappings.19Creates a new, empty HashSet suitable for the expected number of elements.19Creates a new, empty, insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap suitable for the expected number of mappings.21Inserts the given mapping into the map if it is not already present, or replaces the value of a mapping if it is already present (optional operation).21Inserts the given mapping into the map if it is not already present, or replaces the value of a mapping if it is already present (optional operation).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this map.21Returns aSequencedSet
view of this map'sentrySet
.21Returns aSequencedSet
view of this map'skeySet
.21Returns aSequencedCollection
view of this map'svalues
collection.21Adds an element as the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Adds an element as the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Gets the first element of this collection.21Gets the last element of this collection.19Creates a new, empty LinkedHashSet suitable for the expected number of elements.21Removes and returns the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Removes and returns the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.21Adds an element as the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Adds an element as the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Gets the first element of this collection.21Gets the last element of this collection.21Removes and returns the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Removes and returns the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.21Returns a stream of installed locales.21Returns a case folded IETF BCP 47 language tag.19Obtains a locale from a language code.19Obtains a locale from language and country.19Obtains a locale from language, country and variant.16Get a thread identifier for the thread where message originated16Set an identifier for the thread where the message originated.17Returns a copy of the givenMap.Entry
.21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this map.21Removes and returns the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Removes and returns the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.16Checks if the sub-range fromfromIndex
(inclusive) tofromIndex + size
(exclusive) is within the bounds of range from0
(inclusive) tolength
(exclusive).16Checks if the sub-range fromfromIndex
(inclusive) totoIndex
(exclusive) is within the bounds of range from0
(inclusive) tolength
(exclusive).16Checks if theindex
is within the bounds of the range from0
(inclusive) tolength
(exclusive).19Returns a string equivalent to the string returned byObject.toString
if that method andhashCode
are not overridden.19Returns an instance ofRandom
that delegates method calls to theRandomGenerator
argument.22Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandomly chosendouble
values, where each value is between the specifiedleft
boundary and the specifiedright
boundary.20Returns whetherthis
contains a valid match from a previous match or find operation.20Returns an unmodifiable map from capturing group names to group numbers.20Returns the offset after the last character of the subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.20Returns the input subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.20Returns whetherthis
contains a valid match from a previous match or find operation.20Returns an unmodifiable map from capturing group names to group numbers.20Returns the start index of the subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.20Returns an unmodifiable map from capturing group names to group numbers.21Splits the given input sequence around matches of this pattern and returns both the strings and the matching delimiters.21ThrowsUnsupportedOperationException
.21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this map.21ThrowsUnsupportedOperationException
.21Gets the first element of this collection.21Gets the last element of this collection.21Removes and returns the first element of this collection (optional operation).21Removes and returns the last element of this collection (optional operation).21Returns a reverse-ordered view of this collection.19Returns a short description of the tool, or an emptyOptional
if no description is available.17Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements theRandomGenerator
interfaces.17Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface.17Returns a stream producing the givenstreamSize
number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface.17Returns a stream producing the givenstreamSize
number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface.17Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface.12Returns aCollector
that is a composite of two downstream collectors.16Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.16Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.16Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.2216Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.16Returns aDoubleStream
consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.16Returns anIntStream
consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.16Returns aLongStream
consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with multiple elements, specifically zero or more elements.16Accumulates the elements of this stream into aList
.19Creates a new, empty WeakHashMap suitable for the expected number of mappings.12Skips over and discards exactlyn
bytes of data from this input stream for the current ZIP entry.18Prints an error.18Prints an error at the location of the element.18Prints a note.18Prints a note at the location of the element.18Prints a warning.18Prints a warning at the location of the element.13Returnstrue
if preview features are enabled andfalse
if this is a kind of executable: eitherMETHOD
if this is a kind of initializer: eitherSTATIC_INIT
if this is a kind of variable: includingENUM_CONSTANT
.16Visits a record component element.17Returns the permitted classes of this class or interface element in declaration order.16Returns the record components of this class or interface element in declaration order.22Returnstrue
if this is an unnamed variable andfalse
otherwise.18Returns the least runtime version that supports this source version; otherwisenull
.18Returns the latest source version that is usable under the runtime version argument.14Visits a record component element.16Returns a list of record components inelements
.16Returns a set of record components inelements
variable element.16Visits aRECORD
type element.14Visits aBINDING_VARIABLE
variable element.23Returns the kind of the documentation comment for the given element, ornull
if there is no comment or the kind is not known.22Returns the class body of anenum
constant if the argument is anenum
constant declared with an optional class body,null
otherwise.18Returns the file object for this element ornull
if there is no such file object.18Returns the outermost type element an element is contained in if such a containing element exists; otherwise returnsnull
if the module element is an automatic module,false
if the executable element can be determined to be a canonical constructor of a record,false
if the executable element can be determined to be a compact constructor of a record,false
otherwise.16Returns the record component for the given accessor.14Visits a record component element.23Returns a type mirror equivalent to the argument, but with no annotations.12Returns anOptional
containing theSSLSession
in use on this connection.20Returns a prioritized array of key exchange named groups names that can be used over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.19Returns a prioritized array of signature scheme names that can be used over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.20Sets the prioritized array of key exchange named groups names that can be used over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.19Sets the prioritized array of signature scheme names that can be used over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.18Executes aCallable
as the current subject.18Returns the current subject.12Returns an array of files representing the values to show by default in the file chooser shortcuts panel.17Returns an icon for a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser for the requested size.18Returns a file object for output representing the specified relative name in the specified package in the given location.18Returns a file object for output representing the specified class of the specified kind in the given package-oriented location.18Returns a file object for output representing the specified relative name in the specified package in the given location.18Returns a file object for output representing the specified class of the specified kind in the given package-oriented location.23Creates aJavaFileObject
which represents the given source content.13Returns file objects representing the given paths.22Creates aCatalogResolver
that resolves external references with the givencatalog
type that determines the behavior when unable to resolve a reference.13Creates a new NamespaceAware instance of theDocumentBuilderFactory
builtin system-default implementation.13Creates a new NamespaceAware instance of aDocumentBuilderFactory
.13Creates a new NamespaceAware instance of aDocumentBuilderFactory
from the class name.13Creates a new NamespaceAware instance of theSAXParserFactory
builtin system-default implementation.13Creates a new NamespaceAware instance of aSAXParserFactory
.13Creates a new NamespaceAware instance of aSAXParserFactory
from the class name.18Returns the value of the specified property.18Sets a property for thisXPathFactory
.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment and using a mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment and using a mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment and using a mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment and using a mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment and using a mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Loads a vector from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment and using a mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.19Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.19Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.19Compresses set lanes from this mask.19Removes lanes numberedN
from this mask where the adjusted indexN+offset
, is not in the range[0..limit-1]
.19Loads a vector of this species from a memory segment starting at an offset into the memory segment.19Returns a mask of this species where only the lanes at index N such that the adjusted indexN+offset
is in the range[0..limit-1]
are set.19Loop control function which returns the largest multiple ofVLENGTH
that is less than or equal to the givenlength
value.17Returns a writer that can be used to write diagnostic output, ornull
if no such writer is available.17Returns a writer that can be used to write non-diagnostic output, ornull
if no such writer is available.18Prints a diagnostic message related to a position within a range of characters in a tree node.17Prints a diagnostic message related to a position within a range of characters in a file.17Returns the locale for this doclet.17Returns the reporter for this doclet.15Indicates whether this taglet supports block tags.16Registers an action to perform when new metadata arrives in the stream.21Returnstrue
if this is a virtual Thread,false
otherwise.19Filter out events and write them to a new file.17Writes recording data to a file.20Stops the recording stream.22Create a process that will attach to the given address.22Create a newExecutionControl
instance.21Sets the console for the running evalution.19Returns a collection ofHighlight
s which can be used to color the given snippet.21Returns theJShellConsole
that should be used by the execution engine, ornull
if none.17Set to true to specify the inputs and outputs are connected to an interactive terminal that can interpret the ANSI escape codes.17Writes recording data to a file.20Stops the recording stream.14Receives notification of the XML declaration.
New ConstructorsConstructorAdded inDescription14Creates a
for the given HTTP realm and using the givenCharset
to decode the Basic authentication credentials (username and password).18Creates a mutableHeaders
from the givenheaders
with the same header names and values.19Report an InvalidClassException for the reason and cause specified.19Report an InvalidClassException for the reason and cause specified.19Constructs anInvalidObjectException
with the given reason and cause.19Create an ObjectStreamException with the specified message and cause.19Create an ObjectStreamException with the specified cause.16Constructs a newIndexOutOfBoundsException
class with an argument indicating the illegal index.12Creates a server socket with a user-specifiedSocketImpl
.19Constructs a newSocketException
with the specified detail message and cause.19Constructs a newSocketException
with the specified cause.20Constructs anInvalidParameterException
with the specified detail message and cause.20Constructs anInvalidParameterException
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
).14Creates aCompactNumberFormat
using the given decimal pattern, decimal format symbols, compact patterns, and plural rules.19Creates a ForkJoinWorkerThread operating in the given thread group and pool, and with the given policy for preserving ThreadLocals.15Constructs aNoSuchElementException
with the specified detail message and cause.15Constructs aNoSuchElementException
with the specified cause.19Creates aSSLHandshakeException
with the specified detail message and cause.19Creates aSSLKeyException
with the specified detail message and cause.19Creates aSSLPeerUnverifiedException
with the specified detail message and cause.19Creates aSSLProtocolException
with the specified detail message and cause.22Create an instance.22Create an instance using the default class loading, but delegating to the specified parent class loader.
New Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantAdded inDescription21Used for instances of
representing some escaped documentation text.23Used for instances ofRawTextTree
representing a fragment of Markdown content.18Used for instances ofSnippetTree
representing an@snippet
tag.20Used for instances ofSpecTree
representing an@spec
tag.12Used for instances ofSystemPropertyTree
representing an@systemProperty
tag.22Used for instances ofBindingPatternTree
.16Used for instances ofBindingPatternTree
.21Used for instances ofConstantCaseLabelTree
.21Used for instances ofDeconstructionPatternTree
.21Used for instances ofDefaultCaseLabelTree
.21Used for instances ofPatternCaseLabelTree
.16Used for instances ofClassTree
representing records.14Used for instances ofSwitchExpressionTree
.14Used for instances ofYieldTree
.16Record component15Unicode script "Chorasmian".19Unicode script "Cypro Minoan".15Unicode script "Dives Akuru".12Unicode script "Dogra".13Unicode script "Elymaic".12Unicode script "Gunjala Gondi".12Unicode script "Hanifi Rohingya".20Unicode script "Kawi".15Unicode script "Khitan Small Script".12Unicode script "Makasar".12Unicode script "Medefaidrin".20Unicode script "Nag Mundari".13Unicode script "Nandinagari".13Unicode script "Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong".12Unicode script "Old Sogdian".19Unicode script "Old Uyghur".12Unicode script "Sogdian".19Unicode script "Tangsa".19Unicode script "Toto".19Unicode script "Vithkuqi".13Unicode script "Wancho".15Unicode script "Yezidi".21The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 21.22The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 22.23The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 23.22Drops the method information fromStackFrame
s walked by thisStackWalker
.16Unix domain (Local) interprocess communication.16A binding variable in a pattern.16A record class.16A record component of arecord
.17The modifiernon-sealed
17The modifiersealed
12The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 12.13The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 13.14The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 14.15The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 15.16The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 16.17The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 17.18The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 18.19The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 19.20The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 20.21The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 21.22The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 22.23The version introduced by the Java Platform, Standard Edition 23.18Location to search for snippets.23Import Module Declaration.14A record declaration.