Interface ValueLayout.OfBoolean

All Superinterfaces:
MemoryLayout, ValueLayout
Enclosing interface:

public static sealed interface ValueLayout.OfBoolean extends ValueLayout
A value layout whose carrier is boolean.class.
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • withName Link icon

      ValueLayout.OfBoolean withName(String name)
      Returns a memory layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with the given name.
      Specified by:
      withName in interface MemoryLayout
      Specified by:
      withName in interface ValueLayout
      name - the layout name
      a memory layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with the given name
      See Also:
    • withoutName Link icon

      ValueLayout.OfBoolean withoutName()
      Returns a memory layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with no name.
      Specified by:
      withoutName in interface MemoryLayout
      Specified by:
      withoutName in interface ValueLayout
      a memory layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with no name
      See Also:
    • withByteAlignment Link icon

      ValueLayout.OfBoolean withByteAlignment(long byteAlignment)
      Returns a memory layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with the given alignment constraint (in bytes).
      Specified by:
      withByteAlignment in interface MemoryLayout
      Specified by:
      withByteAlignment in interface ValueLayout
      byteAlignment - the layout alignment constraint, expressed in bytes
      a memory layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with the given alignment constraint (in bytes)
      IllegalArgumentException - if byteAlignment is not a power of two
    • withOrder Link icon

      ValueLayout.OfBoolean withOrder(ByteOrder order)
      Returns a value layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with the given byte order.
      Specified by:
      withOrder in interface ValueLayout
      order - the desired byte order
      a value layout with the same characteristics as this layout, but with the given byte order