Interface XmlReader

All Superinterfaces:

public interface XmlReader extends RowSetReader
A specialized interface that facilitates an extension of the SyncProvider abstract class for XML orientated synchronization providers.

SyncProvider implementations that supply XML data reader capabilities such as output XML stream capabilities can implement this interface to provide standard XmlReader objects to WebRowSet implementations.

An XmlReader object is registered as the XML reader for a WebRowSet by being assigned to the rowset's xmlReader field. When the WebRowSet object's readXml method is invoked, it in turn invokes its XML reader's readXML method.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    readXML(WebRowSet caller, Reader reader)
    Reads and parses the given WebRowSet object from the given input stream in XML format.

    Methods declared in interface javax.sql.RowSetReader Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • readXML Link icon

      void readXML(WebRowSet caller, Reader reader) throws SQLException
      Reads and parses the given WebRowSet object from the given input stream in XML format. The xmlReader field of the given WebRowSet object must contain this XmlReader object.

      If a parsing error occurs, the exception that is thrown will include information about the location of the error in the original XML document.

      caller - the WebRowSet object to be parsed, whose xmlReader field must contain a reference to this XmlReader object
      reader - the object from which caller will be read
      SQLException - if a database access error occurs or this XmlReader object is not the reader for the given rowset