Class PopupFactory


public class PopupFactory extends Object
PopupFactory, as the name implies, is used to obtain instances of Popups. Popups are used to display a Component above all other Components in a particular containment hierarchy. The general contract is that once you have obtained a Popup from a PopupFactory, you must invoke hide on the Popup. The typical usage is:
   PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
   Popup popup = factory.getPopup(owner, contents, x, y);;
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • PopupFactory Link icon

      public PopupFactory()
      Constructs a PopupFactory.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • setSharedInstance Link icon

      public static void setSharedInstance(PopupFactory factory)
      Sets the PopupFactory that will be used to obtain Popups. This will throw an IllegalArgumentException if factory is null.
      factory - Shared PopupFactory
      IllegalArgumentException - if factory is null
      See Also:
    • getSharedInstance Link icon

      public static PopupFactory getSharedInstance()
      Returns the shared PopupFactory which can be used to obtain Popups.
      Shared PopupFactory
    • getPopup Link icon

      public Popup getPopup(Component owner, Component contents, int x, int y) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a Popup for the Component owner containing the Component contents. owner is used to determine which Window the new Popup will parent the Component the Popup creates to. A null owner implies there is no valid parent. x and y specify the preferred initial location to place the Popup at. Based on screen size, or other parameters, the Popup may not display at x and y.
      owner - Component mouse coordinates are relative to, may be null
      contents - Contents of the Popup
      x - Initial x screen coordinate
      y - Initial y screen coordinate
      Popup containing Contents
      IllegalArgumentException - if contents is null
    • getPopup Link icon

      protected Popup getPopup(Component owner, Component contents, int x, int y, boolean isHeavyWeightPopup) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a Popup for the Component owner containing the Component contents. The window containing the component owner will be used as the parent window. A null owner implies there is no valid parent. x and y specify the preferred initial location to place the Popup at. Based on screen size, or other parameters, the Popup may not display at x and y. isHeavyWeightPopup specifies if the Popup will be heavyweight. Passing true will force the Popup type to be heavyweight, otherwise Popup type will be selected by Popup factory. Lightweight Popup windows are more efficient than heavyweight (native peer) windows, but lightweight and heavyweight components do not mix well in a GUI. This method is intended to be used only by PopupFactory sub-classes.
      owner - Component mouse coordinates are relative to, may be null
      contents - Contents of the Popup
      x - Initial x screen coordinate
      y - Initial y screen coordinate
      isHeavyWeightPopup - true if Popup should be heavy weight, otherwise popup type will be selected by popup factory.
      Popup containing Contents
      IllegalArgumentException - if contents is null