Class BaseMultiResolutionImage

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BaseMultiResolutionImage extends AbstractMultiResolutionImage
This class is an array-based implementation of the AbstractMultiResolutionImage class. This class will implement the getResolutionVariant(double destImageWidth, double destImageHeight) method using a simple algorithm which will return the first image variant in the array that is large enough to satisfy the rendering request. The last image in the array will be returned if no suitable image is found that is as large as the rendering request.

For best effect the array of images should be sorted with each image being both wider and taller than the previous image. The base image need not be the first image in the array. No exception will be thrown if the images are not sorted as suggested.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • BaseMultiResolutionImage Link icon

      public BaseMultiResolutionImage(Image... resolutionVariants)
      Creates a multi-resolution image with the given resolution variants. The first resolution variant is used as the base image.
      resolutionVariants - array of resolution variants sorted by image size
      IllegalArgumentException - if null or zero-length array is passed
      NullPointerException - if the specified resolutionVariants contains one or more null elements
    • BaseMultiResolutionImage Link icon

      public BaseMultiResolutionImage(int baseImageIndex, Image... resolutionVariants)
      Creates a multi-resolution image with the given base image index and resolution variants.
      baseImageIndex - the index of base image in the resolution variants array
      resolutionVariants - array of resolution variants sorted by image size
      IllegalArgumentException - if null or zero-length array is passed
      NullPointerException - if the specified resolutionVariants contains one or more null elements
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if baseImageIndex is negative or greater than or equal to resolutionVariants length.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getResolutionVariant Link icon

      public Image getResolutionVariant(double destImageWidth, double destImageHeight)
      Description copied from interface: MultiResolutionImage
      Gets a specific image that is the best variant to represent this logical image at the indicated size.
      destImageWidth - the width of the destination image, in pixels.
      destImageHeight - the height of the destination image, in pixels.
      image resolution variant.
    • getResolutionVariants Link icon

      public List<Image> getResolutionVariants()
      Description copied from interface: MultiResolutionImage
      Gets a readable list of all resolution variants. The list must be nonempty and contain at least one resolution variant.

      Note that many implementations might return an unmodifiable list.

      list of resolution variants.
    • getBaseImage Link icon

      protected Image getBaseImage()
      Description copied from class: AbstractMultiResolutionImage
      Return the base image representing the best version of the image for rendering at the default width and height.
      Specified by:
      getBaseImage in class AbstractMultiResolutionImage
      the base image of the set of multi-resolution images