Class UnknownAnnotationValueException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnknownAnnotationValueException extends UnknownEntityException
Indicates that an unknown kind of annotation value was encountered. This can occur if the language evolves and new kinds of annotation values can be stored in an annotation. May be thrown by an annotation value visitor to indicate that the visitor was created for a prior version of the language.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • UnknownAnnotationValueException Link icon

      public UnknownAnnotationValueException(AnnotationValue av, Object p)
      Creates a new UnknownAnnotationValueException. The p parameter may be used to pass in an additional argument with information about the context in which the unknown annotation value was encountered; for example, the visit methods of AnnotationValueVisitor may pass in their additional parameter.
      av - the unknown annotation value, may be null
      p - an additional parameter, may be null
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getUnknownAnnotationValue Link icon

      public AnnotationValue getUnknownAnnotationValue()
      Returns the unknown annotation value. The value may be unavailable if this exception has been serialized and then read back in.
      the unknown element, or null if unavailable
    • getArgument Link icon

      public Object getArgument()
      Returns the additional argument.
      the additional argument, or null if unavailable