Class Pipe


public abstract class Pipe extends Object
A pair of channels that implements a unidirectional pipe.

A pipe consists of a pair of channels: A writable sink channel and a readable source channel. Once some bytes are written to the sink channel they can be read from the source channel in exactly the order in which they were written.

Whether or not a thread writing bytes to a pipe will block until another thread reads those bytes, or some previously-written bytes, from the pipe is system-dependent and therefore unspecified. Many pipe implementations will buffer up to a certain number of bytes between the sink and source channels, but such buffering should not be assumed.

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Pipe Link icon

      protected Pipe()
      Initializes a new instance of this class.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • source Link icon

      public abstract Pipe.SourceChannel source()
      Returns this pipe's source channel.
      This pipe's source channel
    • sink Link icon

      public abstract Pipe.SinkChannel sink()
      Returns this pipe's sink channel.
      This pipe's sink channel
    • open Link icon

      public static Pipe open() throws IOException
      Opens a pipe.

      The new pipe is created by invoking the openPipe method of the system-wide default SelectorProvider object.

      A new pipe
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs