Uses of Enum Class
Packages that use AccessFlag
Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java
programming language.
Provides classfile parsing, generation, and transformation library.
Provides interfaces describing classfile attributes for the
PREVIEW library.Classes to support module descriptors and creating configurations of modules
by means of resolution and service binding.
Provides classes and interfaces for obtaining reflective information about
classes and objects.
Uses of AccessFlag in java.lang
Methods in java.lang that return types with arguments of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClass.accessFlags()
Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for this class, possibly empty. -
Uses of AccessFlag in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Methods in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW that return types with arguments of type AccessFlagMethods in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW with parameters of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(AccessFlag flag) Returns whether the specified flag is present.static AccessFlagsPREVIEW
(AccessFlag... flags) Returns an AccessFlagsPREVIEW for a class.static AccessFlagsPREVIEW
(AccessFlag... flags) Returns an AccessFlagsPREVIEW for a field.static AccessFlagsPREVIEW
(AccessFlag... flags) Returns an AccessFlagsPREVIEW for a method.default ClassBuilderPREVIEW
(AccessFlag... flags) Sets the classfile access flags.default FieldBuilderPREVIEW
(AccessFlag... flags) Sets the field access flags.default MethodBuilderPREVIEW
(AccessFlag... flags) Sets the method access flags. -
Uses of AccessFlag in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Methods in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW that return types with arguments of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Set
<AccessFlag> ModuleExportInfo.exportsFlags()
Returns the flags associated with this export declaration, as a set of flag values.default Set
<AccessFlag> InnerClassInfo.flags()
Returns a set of flag enums denoting access permissions and properties of the inner class.default Set
<AccessFlag> MethodParameterInfo.flags()
Parameter access flags for this parameter.default Set
<AccessFlag> ModuleAttribute.moduleFlags()
Returns the the module flags of the module, as a set of enum constants.default Set
<AccessFlag> ModuleOpenInfo.opensFlags()
Returns the access flags.default Set
<AccessFlag> ModuleRequireInfo.requiresFlags()
Returns the access flags.Methods in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW with parameters of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault boolean
(AccessFlag flag) Returns whether a specific access flag is set.default boolean
(AccessFlag flag) Returns whether the method parameter has a specific flag set.default boolean
(AccessFlag flag) Tests presence of module flagdefault boolean
(AccessFlag flag) Returns whether the module has the specified access flag set.default boolean
(AccessFlag flag) Returns whether the specified access flag is set.default boolean
(AccessFlag flag) Returns whether the specific access flag is set.ModuleAttribute.ModuleAttributeBuilder.moduleFlags
(AccessFlag... moduleFlags) Sets the module flagsstatic InnerClassInfoPREVIEW
(ClassDesc innerClass, Optional<ClassDesc> outerClass, Optional<String> innerName, AccessFlag... flags) Returns an inner class description.static MethodParameterInfoPREVIEW
(Optional<String> name, AccessFlag... flags) Returns a method parameter description.Method parameters in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW with type arguments of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionModuleAttribute.ModuleAttributeBuilder.exports
(PackageDesc pkge, Collection<AccessFlag> exportsFlags, ModuleDesc... exportsToModules) Adds exported packagestatic ModuleExportInfoPREVIEW
(PackageEntryPREVIEW exports, Collection<AccessFlag> exportFlags, ModuleEntryPREVIEW... exportsTo) Returns a module export description.static ModuleExportInfoPREVIEW
(PackageEntryPREVIEW exports, Collection<AccessFlag> exportFlags, List<ModuleEntryPREVIEW> exportsTo) Returns a module export description.static ModuleExportInfoPREVIEW
(PackageDesc exports, Collection<AccessFlag> exportFlags, ModuleDesc... exportsTo) Returns a module export description.static ModuleExportInfoPREVIEW
(PackageDesc exports, Collection<AccessFlag> exportFlags, List<ModuleDesc> exportsTo) Returns a module export description.static ModuleOpenInfoPREVIEW
(PackageEntryPREVIEW opens, Collection<AccessFlag> opensFlags, ModuleEntryPREVIEW... opensTo) Returns a module open description.static ModuleOpenInfoPREVIEW
(PackageEntryPREVIEW opens, Collection<AccessFlag> opensFlags, List<ModuleEntryPREVIEW> opensTo) Returns a module open description.static ModuleOpenInfoPREVIEW
(PackageDesc opens, Collection<AccessFlag> opensFlags, ModuleDesc... opensTo) Returns a module open description.static ModuleOpenInfoPREVIEW
(PackageDesc opens, Collection<AccessFlag> opensFlags, List<ModuleDesc> opensTo) Returns a module open description.static ModuleRequireInfoPREVIEW
(ModuleEntryPREVIEW requires, Collection<AccessFlag> requiresFlags, Utf8EntryPREVIEW requiresVersion) Returns a module requirement description.static ModuleRequireInfoPREVIEW
(ModuleDesc requires, Collection<AccessFlag> requiresFlags, String requiresVersion) Returns a module requirement description.ModuleAttribute.ModuleAttributeBuilder.opens
(PackageDesc pkge, Collection<AccessFlag> opensFlags, ModuleDesc... opensToModules) Opens packageModuleAttribute.ModuleAttributeBuilder.requires
(ModuleDesc module, Collection<AccessFlag> requiresFlags, String version) Adds module requirement -
Uses of AccessFlag in java.lang.module
Methods in java.lang.module that return types with arguments of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionModuleDescriptor.accessFlags()
Returns the set of the module flags.ModuleDescriptor.Exports.accessFlags()
Returns the set of the module export flags for this module descriptor.ModuleDescriptor.Opens.accessFlags()
Returns the set of the module opens flags.ModuleDescriptor.Requires.accessFlags()
Returns the set of the module requires flags. -
Uses of AccessFlag in java.lang.reflect
Subclasses with type arguments of type AccessFlag in java.lang.reflectModifier and TypeClassDescriptionenum
Methods in java.lang.reflect that return AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic AccessFlag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static AccessFlag[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.Methods in java.lang.reflect that return types with arguments of type AccessFlagModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionExecutable.accessFlags()
Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for the executable represented by this object, possibly empty.Field.accessFlags()
Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for this field, possibly empty.default Set
<AccessFlag> Member.accessFlags()
Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for this member, possibly empty.Parameter.accessFlags()
Returns an unmodifiable set of the access flags for the parameter represented by this object, possibly empty.static Set
<AccessFlag> AccessFlag.maskToAccessFlags
(int mask, AccessFlag.Location location) Returns an unmodifiable set of access flags for the given mask value appropriate for the location in question.