Uses of Interface
Packages that use ClassFileElementPREVIEW
Provides classfile parsing, generation, and transformation library.
Provides interfaces describing classfile attributes for the
PREVIEW library.Provides interfaces describing classfile constant pool entries for the
PREVIEW library.Provides interfaces describing code instructions for the
PREVIEW library.-
Uses of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Classes in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW with type parameters of type ClassFileElementPREVIEWModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ClassFileBuilderPREVIEW<E extends ClassFileElementPREVIEW,
B extends ClassFileBuilderPREVIEW<E, B>> Preview.A builder for a classfile or portion of a classfile.interface
ClassFileTransformPREVIEW<C extends ClassFileTransformPREVIEW<C,
E, B>, E extends ClassFileElementPREVIEW, B extends ClassFileBuilderPREVIEW<E, B>> Preview.A transformation on streams of elements.static interface
Preview.The result of binding a transform to a builder.interface
CompoundElementPREVIEW<E extends ClassFileElementPREVIEW>
PREVIEW that has complex structure defined in terms of other classfile elements, such as a method, field, method body, or entire class.Subinterfaces of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfilePREVIEWModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Preview.Models the access flags for a class, method, or field.interface
Preview.Models an annotation on a declaration.interface
Preview.Models a key-value pair of an annotation.interface
Preview.Models the value of a key-value pair of an annotation.static interface
Preview.Models an annotation-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models an array-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a class-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models an enum-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementstatic interface
Preview.Models a constant-valued elementinterface
Preview.Models a classfile attribute 4.7.interface
PREVIEW describing an entity that has attributes, such as a class, field, method, code attribute, or record component.interface
Preview.Models an entry in the bootstrap method table.interface
Preview.A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aClassModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aClassBuilder
Preview.Models the classfile version information for a class.interface
Preview.Models a classfile.interface
Preview.A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aCodeModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aCodeBuilder
Preview.Models the body of a method (theCode
CompoundElementPREVIEW<E extends ClassFileElementPREVIEW>
PREVIEW that has complex structure defined in terms of other classfile elements, such as a method, field, method body, or entire class.interface
Preview.A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aFieldModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aFieldBuilder
Preview.Models a field.interface
Preview.Models an executable instruction in a method body.interface
Preview.Models the interfaces of a class.interface
Preview.A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing aMethodModel
PREVIEW or be presented to aMethodBuilder
Preview.Models a method.interface
Preview.Models metadata about aCodeAttribute
PREVIEW, such as entries in the exception table, line number table, local variable table, or the mapping between instructions and labels.interface
Preview.Models the superclass of a class.interface
Preview.A classfile element that can encode itself as a stream of bytes in the encoding expected by the classfile format.Classes in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW that implement ClassFileElementPREVIEWModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CustomAttributePREVIEW<T extends CustomAttributePREVIEW<T>>
Preview.Models a non-standard attribute of a classfile. -
Uses of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Subinterfaces of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEWModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Preview.Models theBootstrapMethods
attribute 4.7.23, which serves as an extension to the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.The CharacterRangeTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute in the attributes table of aCode
Preview.Models theCode
attribute 4.7.3, appears on non-native, non-abstract methods and contains the bytecode of the method body.interface
Preview.Models theCompilationID
attribute (@@@ need reference), which can appear on classes and records the compilation time of the class.interface
Preview.Models theConstantValue
attribute 4.7.2, which can appear on fields and indicates that the field's value is a constant.interface
Preview.Models theDeprecated
attribute 4.7.15, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.interface
Preview.Models theEnclosingMethod
attribute 4.7.7, which can appear on classes, and indicates that the class is a local or anonymous class.interface
Preview.Models theExceptions
attribute 4.7.5, which can appear on methods, and records the exceptions declared to be thrown by this method.interface
Preview.Models theInnerClasses
attribute 4.7.6, which can appear on classes, and records which classes referenced by this classfile are inner classes.interface
Preview.Models theLineNumberTable
attribute 4.7.12, which can appear on aCode
attribute, and records the mapping between indexes into the code table and line numbers in the source file.interface
Preview.Models theLocalVariableTable
attribute 4.7.13, which can appear on aCode
attribute, and records debug information about local variables.interface
Preview.Models theLocalVariableTypeTable
attribute 4.7.14, which can appear on aCode
attribute, and records debug information about local variables.interface
Preview.Models theMethodParameters
attribute 4.7.24, which can appear on methods, and records optional information about the method's parameters.interface
Preview.Models theModule
attribute 4.7.25, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.interface
Preview.Models theModuleHashes
attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.interface
Preview.Models theModuleMainClass
attribute 4.7.27, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.interface
Preview.Models theModulePackages
attribute 4.7.26, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.interface
Preview.Models theModuleResolution
attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.interface
Preview.Models theModuleTarget
attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors.interface
Preview.Models theNestHost
attribute 4.7.28, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is a member of a nest.interface
Preview.Models theNestMembers
attribute 4.7.29, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is the host of a nest.interface
Preview.Models thePermittedSubclasses
attribute 4.7.31, which can appear on classes to indicate which classes may extend this class.interface
Preview.Models theRecord
attribute 4.7.30, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is a record class.interface
Preview.Models a single record component in theRecordAttribute
Preview.Models theRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations
attribute 4.7.17, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.interface
Preview.Models theRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations
attribute 4.7.19, which can appear on methods.interface
Preview.Models theRuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations
attribute 4.7.21, which can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes.interface
Preview.Models theRuntimeVisibleAnnotations
attribute 4.7.16, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.interface
Preview.Models theRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
attribute 4.7.18, which can appear on methods.interface
Preview.Models theRuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations
attribute 4.7.20, which can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes.interface
Preview.Models theSignature
attribute 4.7.9, which can appear on classes, methods, or fields.interface
Preview.Models theSourceDebugExtension
Preview.Models theSourceFile
attribute 4.7.10, which can appear on classes.interface
Preview.Models theSourceID
attribute, which can appear on classes.interface
Preview.Models theSynthetic
attribute 4.7.8, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields.interface
Preview.Models an unknown attribute on a class, method, or field. -
Uses of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfile.constantpoolPREVIEW
Subinterfaces of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfile.constantpoolPREVIEWModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Preview.A constant pool entry that may be used as an annotation constant, which includes the four kinds of primitive constants, and UTF8 constants.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Class_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Dynamic_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Builder for the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models a constant pool entry that can be used as the constant in aConstantValue
attribute; this includes the four primitive constant types and String constants.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Double_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models a dynamic constant pool entry, which is eitherConstantDynamicEntry
PREVIEW orInvokeDynamicEntry
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Fieldref_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Float_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Integer_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models a constant pool entry for a dynamic call site.interface
Preview.Marker interface for constant pool entries suitable for loading via theLDC
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Long_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models a member reference constant in the constant pool of a classfile, which includes references to fields, methods, and interface methods.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_MethodHandle_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_MethodRef_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_MethodType_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Module_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_NameAndType_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_Package_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models an entry in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_String_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile.interface
Preview.Models aCONSTANT_UTF8_info
constant in the constant pool of a classfile. -
Uses of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfile.instructionPREVIEW
Subinterfaces of ClassFileElementPREVIEW in java.lang.classfile.instructionPREVIEWModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Preview.Models an array load instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models an array store instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models a branching instruction (conditional or unconditional) in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theCharacterRangeTableAttribute
Preview.Models a constant-load instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute, including "intrinsic constant" instructions (e.g.,iconst_0
), "argument constant" instructions (e.g.,bipush
), and "load constant" instructions (e.g.,LDC
).static interface
Preview.Models an "argument constant" instruction (e.g.,bipush
).static interface
Preview.Models an "intrinsic constant" instruction (e.g.,iconst_0
).static interface
Preview.Models a "load constant" instruction (e.g.,ldc
Preview.Models a primitive conversion instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute, such asi2l
Preview.Models instruction discontinued from thecode
array of aCode
attribute.static interface
Preview.Models JSR and JSR_W instructions discontinued from thecode
array of aCode
attribute since class file version 51.0.static interface
Preview.Models RET and RET_W instructions discontinued from thecode
array of aCode
attribute since class file version 51.0.interface
Preview.A pseudo-instruction modeling an entry in the exception table of a code attribute.interface
Preview.Models a field access instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models a local variable increment instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models aninvokedynamic
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models a method invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
attribute, other thaninvokedynamic
Preview.A pseudo-instruction which indicates that the specified label corresponds to the current position in theCode
Preview.A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theLineNumberTableAttribute
Preview.Models a local variable load instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theLocalVariableTableAttribute
Preview.A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in theLocalVariableTypeTableAttribute
Preview.Models alookupswitch
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models amonitorenter
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models amultianewarray
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models anew
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models anewarray
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models aanewarray
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models anop
invocation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models an arithmetic operator instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models a return-from-method instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models a stack manipulation instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models a local variable store instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models atableswitch
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models anathrow
instruction in thecode
array of aCode
Preview.Models aninstanceof
instruction in thecode
array of aCode