• Cloud provider
    • Hetzner cloud administration GUI
  • Sign up at https://accounts.hetzner.com/signUp optionally activating 2-factor authentication. ID card may be required, but no payment

  • Publish your Hetzner account's username (e.g. the registration e-mail ) to your SDI course's group at https://learn.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de.

  • Upon confirmation by your lecturer a Hetzner project space e.g. g01 corresponding to your group should be accessible after login.

  1. Your first server
  • No updates, just (likely) outdated installation image

  • Password based logins being notoriously prone to attacks.

    Solution: Use public/private key based ssh login.

  • There is no firewall yet restricting network access. Insecurely configured supplementary software components e.g. database servers may lead to disaster.

    Two choices:

sdiuser@martin-pc-dachboden:~$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/sdiuser/.ssh/id_ed25519): 
Created directory '/home/sdiuser/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/sdiuser/.ssh/id_ed25519 
Your public key has been saved in /home/sdiuser/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub 
  1. Improve your server's security!


This is about $$$ MONEY $$$

  • Delete your server including the IPv4 address.

  • You may optionally delete your firewall.

  • Cloud provider
    • ➟ SDI exercises related DNS server
  • Dedicated lecture related DNS server ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud.

  • One subdomain per group e.g. g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud corresponding to group 3.

  • Zone edits require a subdomain specific hmac secret key being provided as dnsupdate.sec file in your personal group entry below the SDI course:



    The per zone secrets are being created using tsig-keygen. Value appearing here do not reflect production settings.

  • Edits become globally visible. Mind the TTL setting: A higher value means you'll have to wait longer until updates become visible.

Key file available in your working group below 113475 Software defined Infrastructure.

$ export HMAC=hmac-sha512:g03.key:YXWSeh3l... 
$ dig @ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud -y $HMAC -t AXFR g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud 
g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN      SOA     ns1.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. goik.hdm-stuttgart.de. 2024051551 10 10 10 10
g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN      NS      ns1.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud.
g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN      TXT     "Hello Nerds, how are you going? :-)"
ns1.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN  A
g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN      SOA     ns1.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. goik.hdm-stuttgart.de. 2024051551 10 10 10 10

See AXFR for details.

export HMAC=hmac-sha512:g03.key:YXWSeh3l... 

$ nsupdate -y $HMAC
> server ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud
> update add www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud 10 A 
> send
> quit
$ dig +noall +answer @ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud
www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN  A
$ dig  +noall +answer @  www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud
www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN  A
$ nsupdate -y $HMAC
> server ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud
> update delete www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud. 10 IN  A
> send
> quit
$ dig  +noall +answer @  www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud


Examples at DNS Updates with nsupdate

  1. Enhancing your web server.


Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version cloud and on-prem resources safely and efficiently.

  • Access you cloud project using the Hetzner GUI interface.

  • Go to Security --> API Tokens --> Generate API token

  • Provide a name and hit Generate API token.

  • Copy the generated token's value and store it in a secure location e.g. a password manager.


    The Hetzner GUI blocks future access to the token.

# Define Hetzner cloud provider
terraform {
  required_providers {
    hcloud = {
      source = "hetznercloud/hcloud"
  required_version = ">= 0.13"

# Configure the Hetzner Cloud API token
provider "hcloud" {
  token = "your_api_token_goes_here"

# Create a server
resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  name         = "hello"
  image        =  "debian-12"
  server_type  =  "cx22"   
$ terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding latest version of hetznercloud/hcloud...
- Installing hetznercloud/hcloud v1.46.1...
- Installed hetznercloud/hcloud v1.46.1 (signed by a HashiCorp partner, key ID 5219EACB3A77198B)

Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above.  ...
$ terraform plan

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions ...
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # hcloud_server.helloServer will be created
  + resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
      + allow_deprecated_images    = false
      + backup_window              = (known after apply)

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
$ terraform apply
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

hcloud_server.helloServer: Creating...
hcloud_server.helloServer: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
hcloud_server.helloServer: Creation complete after 14s [id=45822789]

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Guide to Managing Terraform secrets.

variables.tf env providers.tf
variable "hcloud_token" {
  nullable = false
  sensitive = true
export TF_VAR_hcloud_token=mBSxD...
provider "hcloud" {
  token = var.hcloud_token
. env  # sourcing environment

terraform apply
Your server "hello" was created!

You can access your server with the following credentials:
IPv6	2a01:4f8:1c1c:8e3a::/64
User	root
Password	rJ3pNvJXbqMp3XNTvFdq

You will be prompted to change your password on your first login.

To improve security, we recommend that you add an SSH key when creating a server.
  • Firewall blocks ssh server access:

    $ ssh root@
    ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

    Access by Vnc console login only

  • IP and (initial) credentials by email 😱


  1. Add firewall inbound ssh access rule.

  2. Configure ssh public key login.

resource "hcloud_firewall" "sshFw" {
  name = "ssh-firewall"
  rule {
    direction = "in"
    protocol  = "tcp"
    port      = "22"
    source_ips = ["", "::/0"]
resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  firewall_ids = [hcloud_firewall.sshFw.id]
resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "loginUser" {
  name       = "goik@hdm-stuttgart.de"
  public_key = file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub")
resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  ssh_keys     = [hcloud_ssh_key.loginUser.id]

Note: Use the Hetzner Web GUI for removing any conflicting manually installed ssh keys beforehand.

$ terraform apply

  # hcloud_firewall.sshFw will be created
  + resource "hcloud_firewall" "sshFw" {
  # hcloud_server.helloServer will be created
  + resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  # hcloud_ssh_key.goik will be created
  + resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "loginUser" {
Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

See terraform output documentation:

File outputs.tf Result
output "hello_ip_addr" {
  value       = hcloud_server.helloServer.ipv4_address
  description = "The server's IPv4 address"

output "hello_datacenter" {
  value       = hcloud_server.helloServer.datacenter
  description = "The server's datacenter"
$ terraform output
hello_datacenter = "nbg1-dc3"
hello_ip_addr = ""
$ terraform output hello_ip_addr
File outputs.tf terraform output -json
output "hello_ip_addr" {
  value       = hcloud_server.helloServer.ipv4_address
  description = "The server's IPv4 address"

output "hello_datacenter" {
  value       = hcloud_server.helloServer.datacenter
  description = "The server's datacenter"
  "hello_datacenter": {
    "sensitive": false,
    "type": "string",
    "value": "nbg1-dc3"
  "hello_ip_addr": {
    "sensitive": false,
    "type": "string",
    "value": ""

Versioned file main.tf:

provider "hcloud" { token = "xdaGfz9LmwO8SWkg ... "}


  • Declare a variable hcloud_token in a variables.tf file

  • Add a non-versioned file secrets.auto.tfvars.

  • Optional: Provide a versioned secrets.auto.tfvars.template documenting file

Declaring hcloud_token in variables.tf:

variable "hcloud_token" {  # See secret.auto.tfvars
  nullable = false
  sensitive = true

Defining hcloud_token's value in secrets.auto.tfvars:

hcloud_token="xdaGfz9LmwO8SWkg ... "

Using hcloud_token in main.tf:

provider "hcloud" { token = var.hcloud_token }

Template file secrets.auto.tfvars.template:

# Configure the Hetzner Cloud API token
provider "hcloud" {
  token = file("../providertoken.key")

Content of file providertoken.key:

xdaGfz9LmwO8SWkg ...

Content of file providertoken.key.template:

  1. Incrementally creating a base system
  • Cloud provider
    • Cloud-init
  • Distribution image containing pre-installed Cloud Init

  • Script configurable installation options

  • Individual CRUD file operations

  • Supplying ssh user and host keys.

  • Adding users

  • ...

  • Installing packages

  • System Upgrade + reboot

  • Arbitrary command execution

resource "hcloud_server" "web" {
  name         = var.server_name
  user_data = file("userData.yml")
  - nginx
  - systemctl enable nginx
  - rm /var/www/html/*
  - >
    echo "I'm Nginx @ $(dig -4 TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com) 
    created $(date -u)" >> /var/www/html/index.html
resource "local_file" "user_data" {
  content         = templatefile("tpl/userData.yml", {
  loginUser              = "devops"
  filename        = "gen/userData.yml"

resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  # Will become gen/userData.yml
  user_data    = local_file.user_data.content
  - name: ${loginUser}
  - name: devops
  • # cloud-init schema --system --annotate

    apt:		# E1
    -   debconf_selections: openssh-server  openssh-server/password-authentication  boolean
            false openssh-server  openssh-server/permit-root-login        boolean false
    # Errors: -------------
    # E1: [{'debconf_selections': 'openssh-server  ....boolean false'}] is not of type 'object'
  • # cloud-init schema --config-file /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt

    Valid cloud-config: /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt
resource "tls_private_key" "host" {
  algorithm   = "ED25519"
resource "local_file" "user_data" {
  content  = templatefile("tpl/userData.yml", {
     host_ed25519_private =
     host_ed25519_public  = ...
  filename = "gen/user_data.yml"
  ed25519_private: |
# E1: File gen/user_data.yml is not valid YAML.
  in "<unicode string>", line 19, column 1:
    b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUA ...
main.tf gen/usr_data.yml
resource "local_file" "user_data" {
  content  = templatefile("tpl/userData.yml", {
     host_ed25519_private = 
       indent(4, tls_private_key.host.private_key_openssh)
  filename = "gen/user_data.yml"
  ed25519_private: |
␣␣␣␣b3BlbnNzaC1 ...
root@hello:~# journalctl -f
May 06 04:41:20 hello cloud-init[898]: Cloud-init v. 22.4.2 finished at Mon, 06 May 2024 04:41:20 +0000. Datasource DataSourceHetzner.  Up 11.78 seconds
May 06 04:46:16 hello sshd[927]: Invalid user abc from port 33408
May 06 04:46:17 hello sshd[927]: Received disconnect from port 33408:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
May 06 04:46:17 hello sshd[927]: Disconnected from invalid user abc port 33408 [preauth]
May 06 04:50:54 hello sshd[930]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 59866
May 06 04:52:45 hello sshd[933]: Invalid user cos from port 59776
May 06 04:53:04 hello sshd[935]: Invalid user admin from port 51128
May 06 04:53:49 hello sshd[937]: User root from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers
May 06 04:53:49 hello sshd[937]: Disconnected from invalid user root port 50592 [preauth]
  1. Working on Cloud-init

Problem of repeated terraform apply:

$ ssh root@
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
resource "local_file" "known_hosts" {
  content         = "${hcloud_server.helloServer.ipv4_address} ...
                      ... ${tls_private_key.host.public_key_openssh}"
  filename        = "gen/known_hosts"
  file_permission = "644"
main.tf tpl/ssh.sh
resource "local_file" "ssh_script" {
  content = templatefile("tpl/ssh.sh", {
  filename        = "bin/ssh"
  file_permission = "700"
  depends_on      = [local_file.known_hosts]
#!/usr/bin/env bash

GEN_DIR=$(dirname "$0")/../gen

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile= \
  "$GEN_DIR/known_hosts" devops@${ip} "$@"
  1. Solving ~/.ssh/known_hosts quirk

  list: |
  expire: False

  - content:
    encoding: base64
    path:  /etc/nginx/snippets/cert/private.pem


Congrats to paultyng

  • Cloud provider
    • ➟ Volumes
resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  server_type  =  "cx22"

resource "hcloud_volume" "volume01" {
  name      = "volume1"
  size      = 10
  server_id = hcloud_server.helloServer.id
  automount = true
  format    = "xfs"
output "volume_id" {
 description = "The volume's id"
# ls /dev/disk/by-id/*100723816
terraform apply

Desired /etc/fstab:

  /volume01 xfs discard,nofail,defaults 0 0
  1. Auto mounting a volume
resource "hcloud_server" "helloServer" {
  user_data = templatefile("tpl/userData.yml", {
    volume01Id = hcloud_volume.volume01.id
resource "hcloud_volume" "volume01" {
  server_id = hcloud_server.helloServer.id

Problem: Cyclic dependency

helloServer <--> volume01
main.tf userData.yml.tpl
resource "hcloud_volume" "vol01" {
  size = 10  ....
resource "hcloud_server" "hello" {
  user_data = templatefile(
    "userData.yml.tpl", {
       # No cycle
  })  ...
resource "hcloud_volume_attachment"
  "main" {
 `/bin/ls /dev/disk/by-id/*${volId}` 
 /vol01 xfs discard,nofail,defaults 0 0
  >> /etc/fstab
  1. Mount point's name specification
  • Cloud provider
    • ➟ Private networks
Image layer 1
Image layer 2
Image layer 3
Image layer 4
Image layer 5
resource "hcloud_network" "pNet" {
  name     = "Private network"
  ip_range = ""
resource "hcloud_network_subnet" "pSubnet" {
  network_id   = hcloud_network.pNet.id
  type         = "cloud"
  network_zone = "eu-central"
  ip_range     = ""
resource "hcloud_network_route" "gateway"{
  network_id = hcloud_network.pNet.id
  destination = ""
  gateway = ""
resource "hcloud_server" "web" {
  network {
    network_id = hcloud_network.pNet.id
    ip         = ""
resource "hcloud_server" "web" {
  public_net {
    ipv4_enabled = false
    ipv6_enabled = false
  network {
    network_id = hcloud_network.pNet.id
    ip         = ""
  1. Creating a subnet
  • Host intern does not have Internet access.

  • Consequences:

    1. No package updates.

    2. No package installs

    3. ...

    • Allow IP forwarding on gateway host

    • Configure NAT enabling gateway host as router

  1. Use an application level gateway:

Image layer 1
Image layer 2
  • Problem: apt-cacher-ng installation requires time for service to become available.

  • Consequence: Package installs on host intern must be deferred.

  • Problem: No standard Terraform service ready dependency management hook.

echo "Waiting for apt-cacher-ng to launch on port 3142 ..."

while ! nc -z ${frontendPrivatenetIp} 3142; 

     sleep 8 # wait for 8 second before polling again
     echo apt-cacher-ng not yet ready ...

echo "apt-cacher-ng service ready"
resource "null_resource" "waitForProxy" {
  connection {
    type     = "ssh"
    user     = "devops"
    host_key = ...public_key_openssh
    agent    = "true"
    host     = ...web.ipv4_address
  provisioner "remote-exec" {
resource "hcloud_server" "intern" {
  depends_on = [
  1. Adding an application level gateway
  • Cloud provider
    • Terraform and DNS
  • Providing DNS info for sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud and sub-zones:

    • g01.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud

    • g02.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud

    • ...

  • Remote API for per-zone editing

provider "dns" {
  update {
    server        = "ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud"
    key_name      = "goik.key."
    key_algorithm = "hmac-sha512"
    key_secret    = file("../dnsupdatetoken.key")
resource "dns_a_record_set" "helloRecord" {
  zone = "${var.dnsSubnetName}." # The dot matters!
  name = hcloud_server.helloServer.name
  addresses = [hcloud_server.helloServer.ipv4_address]
  ttl = 10
  1. Creating a host with corresponding DNS entry
  • Cloud provider
    • ➟ Generating web SSL certificates


Domain Validated

Fully automated process solely based on DNS / infrastructure challenges.

Organization Validated

Checking organization in question.

Extended Validation

Additional checks i.e. telephone based verification.

provider "acme" {
  server_url = "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
resource "tls_private_key" "private_key" { algorithm = "RSA" }
resource "acme_registration" "reg" {
  account_key_pem = tls_private_key.private_key.private_key_pem
  email_address   = "nobody@example.com"
resource "acme_certificate" "certificate" {
  dns_challenge { ... }
resource "acme_certificate" "certificate" {
  dns_challenge {
    provider = "route53"

acme DNS provider list:

  • acme-dns

  • alidns

  • ...

  • rfc2136

  • ...

  • zonomi

dns_challenge {
  provider = "rfc2136"

  config = {
    RFC2136_NAMESERVER     = "ns1.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud"
    RFC2136_TSIG_ALGORITHM = "hmac-sha512"
    RFC2136_TSIG_KEY       = "goik.key."
    RFC2136_TSIG_SECRET    = file("../dnsupdatetoken.key")
... updating zone 'goik.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud/IN': 
  deleting rrset at '_acme-challenge.goik.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud' TXT
... updating zone 'goik.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud/IN': 
    adding an RR at '_acme-challenge.goik.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud' TXT 
... deleting rrset at ... TXT
... adding an RR ... TXT "eJckWl2F43nsf27bzVOjcrTGp_VFeCj2qTVM5Uodg-4"
... deleting an RR at _acme-challenge.goik.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud TXT
... updating zone ... deleting an RR ... TXT
  1. Creating a web certificate
  2. Testing your web certificate
  3. Combining certificate generation and server creation
  • Cloud provider
    • Terraform modules
main.tf Generated files
resource "tls_private_key" "host" {
  algorithm   = "ED25519"
resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "loginUser" {
  name       = "devops"
  public_key = file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub")
resource "hcloud_server" "server" {
  name         = "www" ...
resource "local_file" "ssh_script" {
  content = templatefile("tpl/ssh.sh", {
    ip             = hcloud_server.helloServer.ipv4_address
    devopsUsername = hcloud_ssh_key.loginUser.name
  filename        = "bin/ssh"
  depends_on      = [local_file.known_hosts]
  • Template file tpl/ssh.sh

  • gen/known_hosts ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1N...
    www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud ssh-ed25519 ...
  • bin/ssh

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    GEN_DIR=$(dirname "$0")/../gen
    ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile="$GEN_DIR/known_hosts" \
       devops@www.g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud "$@"
main.tf Using a module
resource "local_file" "known_hosts" {

resource "local_file" "ssh_script" {

resource "local_file" "scp_script" {
module "localfiles" {
  source    = "../modules/localfiles"

  ipv4       = hcloud_server.webServer.ipv4_address
  dnsZone    = var.dnsZone
  hostNames  = ["www", "cloud"]
  loginUser  = hcloud_ssh_key.loginUser.name
  hostKey    = tls_private_key.host.public_key_openssh
variable "ipv4" {
  description = "The server's IPV4 address e.g. ''"
  type        = string

variable "hostNames" {
  description = "Set of unique local host names e.g. [\"www\", \"cloud\"] "
  type        = list
resource "local_file" "known_hosts" {...

Switching between parent and child module context by ${path.module}:

resource "local_file" "ssh_script" {
  content = templatefile("${path.module}/tpl/ssh.sh", {
    serverFqdn     = "${var.ostNames}.${var.dnsZone}"
    devopsUsername = var.loginUser
  filename        = "bin/ssh"
  file_permission = "755"
  depends_on      = [local_file.known_hosts]
  1. A module for local file generation
  • Cloud provider
    • Terraform loops
Defining 10 server 10 corresponding A-records
resource "hcloud_server" "server" {
  count     = 10
  name      = "www-${count.index}"
  user_data = local_file.user_data[count.index].content
resource "dns_a_record_set" "dnsRecordSet" {
  count     = 10
  zone      = "g03.sdi.hdm-stuttgart.cloud."
  name      = hcloud_server.server[count.index].name
  addresses = [hcloud_server.server[count.index].ipv4_address]
  1. Creating a fixed number of servers